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When you love someone and finally tell them and find out that they don't feel the same way and you feel like crying and you hate your life and you don't want to live anymore. You think about them all the time, even for long after they tell you what they think.
Worst case scenario: You are best friends with the person and you tell them and then they begin to say things about you to their other friends which, of course, reach you eventually and they start to think you're weird. Then the person stops talking to you and you may say something to them that expresses how much you care about them which they take the wrong way and become angry and your friendship with them ends and then you feel as though you've lost everything and nothing could possibly make it worse.
You feel like you can't live without them, but there's nothing you can do to save yourself. They are the only one that can save you, and, of course, they won't.

You sit next to the person that you like, but doesn't like you in class because you have to and you just can't take it and start crying and run away. That's when you know you're heartbroken.

If someone commits suicide because of a girl/guy, they were heartbroken.

If you can't get over someone who doesn't like you, you are heartbroken.

by JimME March 2, 2008

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When you love someone so much, then that person rejects that love for someone else. All you feel is an enormous pain inside you, especially whenever you see "your" girl with a different guy then you. You try and make like everything is all right, but you are really crying inside, wondering why this shit is happening.

I was heartbroken when Lana went out with Kyle.

by schang May 7, 2003

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The feeling you get when all your hope is gone. Everything you lived for is crushed. Your heart feels like a weight pulling you down. You force yourself to smile, even though on the inside you can't stop crying. And every morning you wake up thinking about what you did wrong, what you did to deserve it. The only person in your life that you thought you could trust, the person you would take a bullet for tore your heart into two pieces. It can never be healed, no matter how much time goes by.
When you sit there, staring at the wall thinking about the times you had together. The amazing stories you told eachother, the love and compassion you shared. Then reality hits; Never again will you feel that same way.

I closed my eyes hoping he would feel the same way about me, only to find out he liked my best friend. I felt like never opening my eyes again, but I did, I was Heartbroken and I will never heal.

by ~Melina~ December 16, 2008

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the worst possible feeling in the world. it's basically when the girl you have strong feelings for dosen't return those feelings or affection for you. in other words, the feeling isnt mutual. nothing in the world can cure this pain, and the pain is horrible. the only thing that can really is time, because it takes time to see things for what they are. crying defintely happens, a lot of times more than once, you have feelings of anger, sadness, depression, worthlesness,confusion, despair, rejection, sentimental feelings as well. any thoughts of you and that person you loved spending time together, hugging her, cuddling her, and kissing her is gone. any past memories of that person such as photographs, notes, phone calls, voicemails, im conversations, or just hearing her voice is a pain that feels like youve been stabbed in the heart twice. people will tell you to get over it or snap out of it and you just wanna bite their heads off..because they couldnt possibly understand the pain youre going through. even if that person you love says things will change in the future, you never know what happens, its obviously a fact that if they dont share youre feelings now, time wont make them change their minds. you may want to be friends afterwards, and you may seem and act ok around them and be ok with the notion of being friends, but its bullshit. because truthfully youre a mess inside and you just wanna break down and cry. and its not like in the movies or a fairy tale when the girl realizes she was wrong and runs back into youre arms crying and the relationship is rekindled, because in reality, we all know that will never happen.

guy 1: dude, whats the matter, why are you so down?

guy 2: my girlfriend dosent love me man, im heartbroken.

by br71488 May 20, 2009

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THE worst feeling in the world. Nothing matches up to the feeling of saddness that overwhelms you when you're heartbroken. Every know and then you get the feeling of crying. Even when you get past the crying phase, you still get the feeling of crying but you don't cry. You just bleed in the inside.

If you get heartbroken, you shouldn't be friends with her/him when they get another lover because it will just drive you insane, make you want to do stupid things, and gives you the feeling of anger but mostly saddness.

The worst part is that it never leaves you. When a girl or guy breaks your heart, it stays broken until many months afterwards.

I just caught my girl doing it with another guy, now I'm heartbroken because I loved her and i thought she loved me.

Friend:Why are you smoking crack?

Guy:Because my girlfriend broke my heart and crack is the only thing that makes me happy right now.

by kgwloe March 13, 2009

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This emotional state is one of a complete range of emotions; mostly hurt and anger.
It has many stages, and the first is usually shock or denial. After this, and the words of your once beloved have sunken in, it will feel as if your heart is literally being ripped out. This is because you will experience pain such as a tightening in the chest, stabbing pains in the chest, very heavy breathing, and an increased heart rate. You may diagnose yourself with a panic attack, but this is usually not the case. For some period of time (usually a few days to a week) you will feel as if you have an extreme case of an anxiety, and you may not like the thought of eating, for every time you do, it seems that the food will come right back up. Lack of sleep is very common, and you may be convinced that you are suffering from insomnia. Tears and crying also play a major role, but after about a day you will find that you no longer have any more tears to cry.

You will experience a feeling of complete loss of hope. You may feel angry with your friends/family because everyone keeps telling you it will get better, or they may cut down or insult your ex and tell you that you are better off now. You feel as if no one in the world at that moment can comprehend the amount of pain and anguish you are in; you do not want to hear that you will feel better soon, or move on. It doesn't seem that way at all. You will dwell on all the memories you once had and wallow in the mere fact that they are over. All future plans, little or small, are now gone. Any dreams or things that you had wished to experience with that person is gone, and it is almost impossible to accept this. It is almost imposibble to accept that you won't get to hang out, kiss, cuddle, joke around with, and plainly-- be with the person that has both made you feel such incredible happiness, and despair. You may look through e-mails, text messages, notes, or voicemails that they had previously sent you, and the memories flood back and you find despair once more.

When heartbroken, you will still experience bits of happiness, however, your moods and emotions will be on a roller coaster. To be heartbroken is one of the worst and most common experiences that people will go through.

He said we had to talk; the only thing that could describe how I'm feeling after we had, is that I am completely and utterly heartbroken.

by Liz Dani Anderson February 17, 2009

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the most depressing thing you'll ever know. when you realize that you love someone and they don't love you back. you wonder how you live the way you do, hurt, lonely, and sometimes just confused. if you ever still see that person you might try to hide your sadness, but its hard. you just want to run away and cry. sometimes you may just act angry to try to keep from being depressive, but it doesn't always work, sometimes things just get more complicated. you might get mad and call him a freaking heartbreaker!! you might think you hate him sometimes. but you don't, your just trying to stop loving him. well love never dies. so if the guy u love doesn't love you now then he never did because love doesn't go away. he might try to tell you that his love for you is gone... but love doesn't leave like that

the story of my life, as of the day he let me go..

you told me you loved me..
you promised we would be together forever..
now i'm just mad that i believed you!!

u even did this to me after i emailed it to u

-If U LoVe Me Like U Say U Do-
-Prove 2 Me That Ur LOvE Is True-
-Say U LoVe Me N Hold My Hand-
-Tell Me That U'll always B My Man-

if u didn't mean it.. why'd you have to go n say it??

by alicia March 30, 2004

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