The act of raping a bird while wearing a racoon hat
I went to jail for 25 years after pulling a Dirty Henrik
A really hot confident woman. Absolutely mesmerizing in all aspects. Wonderful personality and great humor. Definitely the dream woman to have in your life.
Omg Henrike is marvelous i have a crush on her.
Symptoms are having infinite excuses and going for boosts only in a game called Rocket League even if you can easily score a goal
A: What was that. You could've scored that easily. The net was open
B: I needed boost for it bro.
A: Bro you have Henrik Syndrome
Legendary guitar player for Bråhast.
Wow Henrik Rosager is such a good guitar player
A person who gives you a lighter although u want to clean your nose with a handkerchief.
Person 1: I need a handkerchief.
Henrik: Yeah, Here is a lighter.
Person 1: Thanks, Zippo Henrik.
Henrik Daniel is a guy who is very sweet and caring like a golenretriver. With his charms he is going to catch ur attention the first time you meet him and with his personality and killer physique he will make you fall in love. You are unbelievably lucky if you get to date Henrik daniel, he is the perfect husband material and is going to make u feel loved everyday. Although he is not the best at dancing he is quite skilled in bed and someone you want to catch fast because everybody wants him.
- Who is that handsome looking guy?
- Its Henrik Daniel ofc!
Ekert eðlilega sædur dreingur.
"Vá hendrix er ekkert eðlilega sætur"
"Heldurðu að henrik sé upptekinn í kvöld?"