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Extremely addictive highly illegal easily obtained but expensive drug.

The main reason why most crimes are committed.

Slow, joyeus, inevitable suicide in a syringe..

Rob slowly sold all his possessions, witheld his rent, got into petty thievery, sold his arse on the street, murdered that old lady, got a lenient sentence due to 'diminished responsibility' and eventually died of an overdose on release from prison, oh the joys of Heroin.

by ..Wil May 25, 2005

164๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. derived from morphine, a powerful and highly addictive, bitter white powder narcotic, C21H28NO5.It's manufacturing, import and distribution is currently prohibited in the United States.

Heroin makes me very claustrophobic and paranoid. Almost like I was scared of everyone. Needless to say it was a bad experience.

by greedy tompkins July 22, 2004

80๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.A female hero
2.The From First to Last album that is out March 21, 2006!

1. Laura is a real heroine.
2. From First to Last's new album, Heroine, is really great.

by Billie Goat March 23, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


Potent opiate narcotic with a narrow therapeutic index (i.e., difference between an effective dose and a lethal dose is small). Side effects include narcosis, respiratory depression.

Heroin is not a suitable substitute for morphine.

by Marty October 22, 2003

75๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pleasant narcotic. Bit moreish, though.

Some people seem to find that it's so pleasing to take heroin they take it again, not unlike how one would take another chocolate from the box. With heroin, however, one usually becomes thinner rather than 'chocolate fat'

"I just couldn't help myself..."

by dodgyfridge June 23, 2006

75๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


God's own medicine and no doubt about it. The previous definer who said it "sits alone atop the drug tree" was right on. If it were legalized in the US, property crimes would plummet.

Heroin is derived from opium and described as follows:


by Straight Shooter September 27, 2007

71๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž


Heroin, a cousin of morphine and a man made degenerate of Poppy, a plant that grows naturally and whose seeds are milked and used in pain killers. Opium from poppy seeds are natural however they cause addiction and they hurt the body by causing respiratory collapse, heroin is NOT natural, it was made by man, working for a company named Bayer, of Bayer aspirin developed the drug synthetically (chemically).

Quite Frankly, the stupidest mistake you will ever make in your life if you decide to "try" this man made abomination. To those who have thier opinions shaped easily by others, Do not , I REPEAT DO NOT, listen to those on this website encouraging the use, or even softening the appearance of Heroin. It is evil. Pure and simple. Why, in the world would you ever try such a thing? When the perfect plant that gets you just as high and heals you exist.

To those who want to try a drug, use marijuana. Never try heroin, crack, or anything that is man made, it will eventually catch up with you and kill you. Real talk right now.

Man made beer, cigarettes, crack, cocaine, heroin, LSD, PCP, Methamphetamine and the rest of the man made drugs.

God made marijuana that grows naturally and heals all sorts of cancers and helps with HIV/AIDS infection.

Who would you trust?

Joey: Man I've always wanted to try something cool..

Rich: I've got something for you bro..

(Joey and Rich walk by a street corner and there laying on the cement is a dirty man with a needle in his arm who appears to be constantly falling asleep and waking up subsequently over and over)

Joey: What the fuck is wrong with that guy?!!!!!

Rich: Man he's addicted to heroin... They call that right there "nodding off", it's a really stupid thing to try bro, that shit is not natural and you could easily kill yourself, become completely and utterly addicted to that shit. Made by man, fuck that I'm NEVER going near that shit! But this right here! (presents marijuana) this is all natural and will even help you with your asthma man! Gotta love mother nature bro!!

Joey: What's that?

Rich: Its an herb bro, grows naturally unlike the chemical soup that are all the other drugs, it was made by god and nature and heals the sick bro, and gets you to think in a different perspective about everything bro. It's the only thing worth trying of all the the drugs.

Joey: (Sniffs the Marijuana) that smells good! What's the name?
Rich: Bro, this is the AK-47 straight from the grow farm! Helps with pain and puts you to bed!

Joey: Sounds fun! Let's try it son!

Don't try any man made drug, not even once, or you may never be able to close that door ever again.

by Not Even Once. March 24, 2011

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