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high school

a place where, depending on your looks, you are classified into. why does it matter if you're a prep, gangster, ho-bag or what? you are what you are. high school is worthless. In no such way will it ever give you the skills you need for the real world.

"oh god im not wearing the designer jeans like everyone else."
"looks like your life is over!"

by The Doc February 5, 2005

548๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

A place that rewards incompetence and conformism. Crams thousands of hormone charged teens into a bulidng, makes them eat lunch way too early, and uses peer pressure to destroy your self-esteem. Also uses incredibly hard classes filled with useless information to fuck up your social life and your relationship with your parents. Nothing you learn will be of any use in the real world and the overall goal is to break your spirit so the government can pick up the pieces and make you what they want.

High school destroyed my life and my mind.

by disillusioned&bitter June 5, 2009

114๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

Where those "Paternity Tests" Episodes of Maury and Jenny Jones usually start

It ain't my baby bitch. It don't even look like me

by master shake May 14, 2003

1218๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

As defined by parents: A casual place where you will learn all the basics that we could teach you, but don't have the time for. Grades are very important, especially during the last final years. You will develop friends who will help you appreciate your life in the future. And, as most say, "High school was the best four years of my life."

If you ask a high schooler, he would say, "This place is about learning to become another sheep in society. I can dress how I want, but I can't wear certain colors. I could ask any girl out in the school, but there's a good chance she'll say no. I could spend my time trying to become popular, but then I sink to the same level as them. I could do drugs, and get them, in no time flat, and still get away with it. Whatever I want, I can get. Insubordinance is met with cruel discipline. We are put through tests that are meant to make us think and retain knowlege, but they only test us on cumulative knowlege. Basically, you realy don't learn anything new, but rather repeat everything you learned in elemntary and middle school until you can do it in your sleep. But the worst part of high school, is the fact that no matter how much you try to find out who you are, express new ideas and try to stear away from everyone else; you are ridiculed to the point of changing your ideas, morals and beliefs to fit in, masking yourself to fit in, or down right filling the school with bullet holes, screaming 'Fuck them all.'"

Parents: "Oh, you'll love high school! Just think about all the new and exciting things you'll learn!"

Student: "Everyday is the same. I wake, go to school, try to pay attention while the all the desks are full, and people are standing in the back. Then, I walk through the halls, trying to dull my senses to filter out all the bullshit I hear. Finally, I get to my next class, and my teacher is lounging in his chair and his breath reeks of Jack. He can get away with it, but when I go to class drunk, I get suspended. Yes sir, high school really does prepare you for life."

by Truckee_Local June 12, 2005

1966๐Ÿ‘ 314๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

A place where they stick 14-18 year olds just to stop them from terrorizing our cities. They claim "learning" goes on here, but all that really happens is some boring ass teachers tell us to memorize pointless facts we'll never use. they tell you to "be creative" but no one ever is because they know as soon as they do something creative or something the teacher doesn't agree with they get an automatic f. interchangable with hell.

Tom: Did yu go to high school today?

Jeff: Hell no, no one that goes to that hellhole comes out normal.
Tom: Agreed.

by soxxfan9824 April 2, 2008

90๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

high school

A place where your parents tell you it's the "happiest time in your life" and that when you leave everything will just suck more. This is wrong because when you leave school you get paid to be bored to death everyday, and you are can start living your life.

Parent: "the world sucks after high school"
Person who just finished school: "nope, I have money now"

by distilledfx January 2, 2008

88๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School

A place where people age 14-18 are required to go to. Text books are outdated by 15 to 20 years and most teachers spend more time telling the class about their personal life than actually teaching. Also, many teachers double as coaches for the schools sports teams, and would rather talk about last night's game than explain the lesson. The gym teacher will make you feel like shit and the health teacher will tell you never to have sex one (you'll get AIDS and die!) and will then procede to show you a video on birth control and how to use condoms.

In my high school experience, I didn't really see any real cliques. It wasn't like the preps only hung out with the preps and the goths only hung out with the goths. But maybe that was just my school.

High school is also home to insane dress codes, shitty food, graffiti, fights, vicious rumors, and noting that will prepare you for the real world.

However, high school is still way better than middle school.

At my high school the heater never worked, people huffed glue in the bathrooms, my chemistry teacher told me I would go nowhere in life, and approximately forty percent of the students were involved in a gang.

by AsiraYa July 11, 2008

105๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž