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High school

High School

A place where adults think they are sending their children to get an education to prepare them for life. In reality, a place where many teenagers go to take unnecessary classes that they won't remember the information taught when they settle into the " real world."

A place where teenagers go to try and convince everybody else that they are " cool"

"Dude what'd you learn in high school back in the day?"

" I learned things I never used after that class like graphing a quadratic function."

" Did you learn important things like learning to pay your bills or taxes, or something relating to your major."

" nah man."

by Alanna_3 October 17, 2016

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

High school


High school sucks, period.

by anonlolski February 8, 2011

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High school

One word hell

Did you go to high school today?
No I was at hell

by Smwkkwmenej February 29, 2020

High school


High school is a place to go and then go from jailscell to jailecell for pretty much half of your life. Meaning, yes your life is wasted everyday

by Bwe Roberto August 16, 2018

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High school

A place of hell

Aaron: u ready for high school

Lily :hshshdj u mean hell

by Jaide Moxey June 30, 2020

High school

Jerry:Are you ready for high school,
Tom: Ofc dude I can’t wait

Mom: Guys you should know what happens in school
Both boys: Oh shit

High school… well shit it’s hard because you get jumped by people higher in ur grade and then after this ur in college and then idk ur have to do something in ur life

by An 8th grade virgin February 16, 2023

High school

fun times, but only in cool classes like band. and you sometimes get alot of study halls. much more fun than junior high.

most classes suck, some dont

didnt you graduate from high school?

by someone March 4, 2005

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