Source Code

unsigned int

The word size on a computer. Basically the size of the largest number that can be added/subtracted at one time on a processor. In the x86-64, however, an int stayed the same size as in the x86.

x86 has a word size of 32, and x86-64 has unsigned ints with a size of 32 (wtf?)

by Bad C dev March 3, 2021


To play really bad at league of legends

Brand is inting

by BrandWasInting September 30, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž

Orkar inte

A swedish phrase that is used when you're too lazy to do something.

- Go and clean your room!
- No, jag orkar inte!

by JL169 March 22, 2019

int brown

A shorter, much more comical way of saying "in the brown," used by northerners. The brown is the anus, by the way

"Oh my goodness, I can't beleive he took it int brown!"

by edude77 May 13, 2005


Abbreviation - Sarcasm Intended

Sarcasm is very hard to get across when using the internet, so typing SARC-INT will make sure people get your hint from the get-go, and saves you precious time explaining that you were actually being sarcastic

Without SARC-INT:

Person 1 - "I love that hat ur wearing in ur prof pic."
Person 2 - "Really?"
Person 1 - "I was being Sarcastic."
Person 2 - "Ahh right, yeah lol I was forced to wear it."

Person 1 - "I love that hat ur wearing in ur prof pic. (SARC-INT)
Person 2 - "Yeah tell me about it lol."

by MrTaffyMann May 16, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A roled up stick or mary-j often homemade many times sold from person to person.

O shit put that jo-int down the popoes r coming!

by ?? February 1, 2003

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

You di-int!

Show's disbelief, generally playfully negative.

"I just kissed Justin upon whom we both have a crush!" "You di-int!"
but not:
"I just had sex with your husband!" "You di-int!"

by Space chicken June 23, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž