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Intel Security

Formally known as McAfee Antivirus, Intel Security boasts little to no improvement over it's predecessor. The overall difference between McAfee Antivirus and Intel Security is that Intel Security will be hardware integrated, which means that the only way to be rid of this horrid piece of software is to avoid purchasing products with Intel chipsets.

"McAfee in hardware... This can't be good." - Mike (not Cox) of ZDNet.com

As Intel Security is merely an attempt to rebrand McAfee Antivirus after Intel's breathtaking $7.7 billion dollar acquisition of the company, see McAfee

by TheMightyTitan January 9, 2014

Intel HD

Sorry dude, I'm not compatible with 80% of games made after 2014. Buy an AMD PC or die

Bill: my Intel HD graphics cant run NFS: The Run. What should i do?
Elorm: sorry dude, buy AMD or die.

by elhacka May 18, 2015

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intel inside

...idiot outside

by microshit July 18, 2003

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Intel 486

A prossecor with clcok speeds between 16 and 100 mhz.

hey bob, i just got a new Intel 486, now i can run windows 95!

by Sam Donato February 18, 2008

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Intel swag

New electronics, gadgets, gizmos, etc.

If u got a new phone: "NICE INTEL SWAGGG BRAYYYY"

by morkeleb May 30, 2012

ho intel

The act of a girl helping another girl find a relationship by reporting to her when a guy talks about her or purposely questioning him about her.

Katie was collecting ho intel when she asked Jack about his feelings for Stephanie; that evening she told him everything he said.

by fuffies December 16, 2008

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Paki intel

Used to describe a situation where you feel like you're the last to hear about an event, a piece of interesting information, etc.

Man, Shelly's having one of her crazy strip costume parties THIS Saturday?? Man I got Paki intel on that and had no idea - I already made plans to go to see the Monster Truck Rally.

by jwadsworth May 4, 2011

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