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Fucking While Intoxicated

Fucking While Intoxicated

After drinking heavily she was engaged with fucking while intoxicated

by jayfrnaco2015 April 29, 2015

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Skedaddle intoxicated razzle dazzle

The wise words of Tiger JK๐Ÿซก

K-pop fan #1: โ€œomg do you remember what Tiger JK said in topline by skz?????โ€
K-pop fan #2: โ€œdo you mean skedaddle intoxicated razzle dazzle???โ€

K-pop fan #1: โ€œyeah omg, that was so iconicโ€

by September 13, 2023

public intox control (P.I.C)

A phrase used in college towns to reference a group of police officers on bikes looking for underage drinkers

The public Intox Control (P.I.C) caught Drake drinking and gave him a MIP

by Barryboi August 14, 2019

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Intoxicating foreskin

What about these air fried ballz topped with extra sharp chedda cheese warmed just right to the cheese is melted and warm then seasoned to perfection with crushed red pepper cracked black pepper pink hymialian salt and garlic then served with a glass of your moms red period blood mixed with vodka and Methyl enedioxy methamphetamine then after that I fuck your parents and I top it all off with the leftover cum and coochie juices ๐Ÿ˜˜

I love intoxicating foreskin

by I <3 penes and boils March 15, 2022

kylie intoxicated

Drunk, but sober enough to guide everyone to the next bar

Mann, Erin was so Kylie intoxicated kept telling us where to go.

by Kennethv_oside October 12, 2018