A group of who’s main goal is to remain virgins for life, snitch on anyone for a fraction of a penny and be hated by all.
Infantry Private 1: “Yo did you hear Savagesniper078 joined Military Police Investigations?”
Infantry Private 2: “Savage must really have no self respect”
Infantry Private 3: “Yeah savage is gonna die a Virgin lol xd”
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Comprised of many (primarily East Coast) employees, they work around the clock to dig up anything and everything that the world needs to know. Quick and reliable. The majority of their work is done for the betterment of mankind, but they are available to investigate private issues, albeit at a steep fee.
Darkhat Investigators is a top-notch online private investigating firm.
Darkhat Investigative services recently uncovered the fact that W.L. is a complete loser who enjoys making up stories about himself.
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Discord Bureau of Investigation: a Discord agency.
Darn, the Discord Bureau of Investigation busted me on Discord.
The act of rumaging around in a female's trash for evidence that she is on her period.
I took a shit in this girls appartment last night. After a little crime scene investigation, I decided to bolt.
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A Government Supported Private Investigator means to sneak into a crime base and steal evidence to charge all criminals for their crimes.
You achieved the rank of: Government Supported Private Investigator
A slang term for masturbation.
Self-gratification. The act of "playing" with your genitals, for sexual excitement/pleasure; usually to orgasm.
I walked into the room and there he/she was, naked and sprawled across the bed investigating his/her crime scene.
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And I'll expound upon that by saying...
Hym "It doesn't matter if you're a politician, the president, the richest man in he world... Anyone who has even HEARD of you needs to be slaughtered. Burned. Maimed. Erased. And then your memory needs to be desecrated. There is no investigating happening here."