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Ivy a beautiful girl who will steal your heart in the first five minutes you meet her she's fierce and delicate she will make you laugh make you smile even when you don't want to she's amazing her smile is like a firework it's bright and beautiful and her hair it falls perfectly without her trying and if you break her heart she will break you she's very smart and humble she's the perfect girl if you see her never let her go or you have made the biggest mistake of your life always stay bright Ivy. From Seth😍 She's perfectly imperfect😘

Ivy's an angle

by good friend 254 January 1, 2020

33πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The most beautiful human alive is loyal and will always love the one she's with no matter what happens they will be together forever

Ivy my queen

by Hellsangels6669 February 10, 2018

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Crazy, SeXy, Cool....All of the guys love her!

Ivy is buttersoft.

by Buttersoft February 2, 2010

493πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž


A crazy, Evil psycho midget who will devour your soul and will swing her very large pretend penis at you. This bitch is ruthless.

I tried to come at Ivy and she shit on my existence.

I’m Ivy’s bitch.

by Itzthatbitch November 22, 2019

39πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A powerful, confident, beautiful and intelligent lady. Scared of taking risks, often labelled as a prude, but gets along with everyone- usually has a dazzling smile and a unique sense of style.
Stands up for what she believes in and is an independent girl, sometimes scaring boys with her natural powerful figure.

β€œIsn’t Ivy perfect?”
β€œThat girls so determined she could be the next president”

by Tropicofcancer November 27, 2017

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A girl who likes nothing but weird stuff such of like anime.

Omg she is such an Ivy

by NotFluffyCute August 14, 2021


One of a handful of LA restaurants where wannabe actors pretend
to be flush with cash...and proceed to max out their credit cards...in the futile hope that one of the true POWER DINERS will bother to give them the time of day.Sorry kid.He notices
you like he notices the waiter...only when he's annoying.

ACTRESS/MODEL/WAITRESS/YOGA CHIK:"Hey Tina...wanna go dutch on
lunch at THE IVY tommorrow?"

TINA:"Sure.We can go in my newly
leased Bmer.That way we can

by L.MARTIN September 27, 2005

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž