Harald (røverland) is an eating monster that will quite litarly eat whatever it sees. Harald is from "røverland" where its filled with stealing goblins and adidas wearing europeans. Røverland is a dangerous place
dam boy he eats alot he must be a harald (røverland) ivo
A well known Herpes and STD spreader among beautifull nice and educated women and Girls. His family has a shoe company in Holland. He does not take any responsibility in taking medicines nor does he quit dating Girls who he infects with his hazourdous lifestyle and fluids.
Ivo just be carefull and don't practise sex anymore unless you are serious with one girl at a time.
Girls and women,be wise and look if Ivo is sick and command him to go to doctor and take antiviral medications.
Be wise and don't Date Ivo S.
Ivo is an Herpes spreader, don't date Ivo
Ivo is short for Ivosznaszen. Pl.: Ivosznaszi.
They were nine Men who had succumbed to Rangharz power through wearing Shoes of Power, which gave them immortality but reduced them to invisible wraiths, servants bound to the power of the One Shoe and completely under Rangharz control.
Come not between the Ivosznaszen and his prey!