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Jacques Cousteau

The act of muff diving. Named after the famous diver, Jacques Cousteau.

I went all Jacques Cousteau on her when we hooked up last night.

by ktrain11 November 11, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Jacques Cousteau

zhΓ€k - kΓΌ -'stO
1. The act of giving head as if you were drowning and the balls contained oxygen.
2. Extremely vigorous felatio.

While Betty was extremely underqualified for the position, she managed to 'Jacques Cousteau' her way to the top of the corporate ladder.

by Nigel Riley-Monk August 17, 2005

21πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Yellow Jacque

After sex your significant other urinates on you and then you kick him in the nuts, rub the urine back onto him and slap him in the face. (aka jeune jake)

We just had great sex, then Jake peed on me, I kicked him the nuts, rubbed the pee back onto him then slapped him in the face. Thereby we together performed a "Yellow Jacque"

by Leona deLuna April 21, 2009

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The Jacques Cousteau

The action in which a man stands over a girl, lowers his testicles over her eyes, bends his penis down and places it into her mouth. Making it look like the girl has a mask and snorkel on.

Dude last night April and I went back to my place and I totally gave her the Jacques Cousteau.

by jbomb108 November 3, 2009

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Jacques Chirac

The French president embroiled in politcal scandal at home, not punishable by French law until he is out of office.

The posterboy for Anti-Bush extremists who have little to no knowledge of the depth of French investment in pre-war Iraqi Oil and defense contracts.

France Telecom
UN Oil for Food Program

by Free Press in France June 21, 2005

26πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

jacques chirac

To urinate on the shaved belly of one's mistress postcoitus.

Justin performed pulled a jacques chirac on Claudette, after which she smelled slightly better.

by Ribbit Rabbit July 16, 2006

14πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

jacque cousteau

It's a sexual act, while having sex in the jacuzzi, you hold your partners head under water( hence the jacque cousteau). After you let them up, while they take a deep breath, you pull out, jack off and shoot your load in thier mouth.

Last night after dinner and some wine, my girlfirend and I were in the jacuzzi and I Jacque Cousteau'd the shit out of her.

by Skindiver69 March 4, 2010

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