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Gey Faggout big Gay Boy ..
the type of guy who does not subscribe to pewdipie

Jae is a chinky boy Big 00fer Doofer Big Gay

by Sub 2 pewds February 4, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


sexy person that everyone should date. they are super hilarious and one of the truest friends you'll ever meet. sort of a nerd (most definitely a nerd) and always says sorry, even when they do nothing wrong. they keep secrets because they have lots of secrets of their own. overall simpable.

hey did you see jae over there?

yeah, they're so hot!

how did they get so many bitches?

by swagbxtch January 14, 2022


A beautiful, meme-ing man, a member of the greatest k-rock band in history and has an amazing twitter page.

Person 1: Have you picked a bias for DAY6 yet?

Person 2: Not yet, but you said that one member, "jae", was it? has a twitter?

Person 1: Yep! you should follow him @Jae_Day6

Person 2: Alright, thanks!

by MyBiasIsJoseFromTheTikiRoom November 12, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


jae is a very pretty girl. she has atleast 3 or 4 very close friends that are always there for her. she tries not to care about what others say, however it can get to her on some occasions. sheโ€™s strong minded and stands for what she believes in and has strong opinions. sheโ€™s not the greatest person alive but she tries to make her friends and her family happy and have a smile on their faces when they see her. she loves laughing and attention too.

โ€œjae makes me laugh all the time. i love her smโ€™

by uficco April 14, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best person you will ever meet. They donโ€™t care what gender they are and like to dance. They are usually a Taurus or a Scorpio. They usually like people whoโ€™s names start with A, G, N, and J so be aware. They are usually a bad ass and are usually mad at someone for 1 hour then are friends again. Usually the craziest in the friend group.

Jeez I canโ€™t believe JAE! likes .......

by Abcwiththegirlyoyoyo November 12, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The opposite of noes.

DB: YUO LIEK TEH CACK!1!111oeone
crush: jaes!

by HighPingedLPB January 18, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

for jae

completely in love with jaedyn, unfriendly .

*girl slides in dms* โ€œim for jae & jae only, fomfโ€

by jaew June 4, 2022