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He’s an exceptional guy with a big heart, one of a kind really. He’s kind, drop dead handsome, knock your socks off hilarious, and incredibly special. He fights tooth & nail for what he believes, my favorite person ever made.

Stranger: how would you describe the new guy?
Me: he’s a real JAGO if you ask me, except he can’t be because there’s only one as amazing as him ;)

by rizz.a.balls March 3, 2024



The most amazing group in the world. They have the best friends. Amazing relationships with each other and the best part. It’s not like a normal group where you got someone in charge. We make decisions collectively. YEET

“Who are those idiots. Wouldn’t wanna be part of their group”
“Nah bruv they are JAGOS.They got a great group”

Nah mate still look like idiots.”

by SLUTTYNUGGET May 6, 2019


Used to define a particularly outrageous fashion outfit that is over the top. The word comes from fashion stylist Clifford Jago and his aesthetic.

That outfit is SOOO jago!

by Frank Zola April 10, 2018


jagO has a fat choper

jago has a big choper

by tiktak man March 31, 2022


An amazing friend and lover. He's everything you could ask for in a partner. He loves dogs more than anyone else and has an indescribable amount of love for food. Can be quite flirtatious but has a great sense of humor.

Angus: Imagine finding a lover and best friend in one person, it'd be so easy for an introvert like me.
Me: babe, get you a jagos ;)

by Loveadele November 25, 2021


A Jago, is man of rare shagging ability. Frequently hailed as having plumber-esque pipe laying abilities.

Jagos’ are a rare spawn mostly found in the southeast of England (cornish origin) however, according to canon lore, have been found to spawn in ultra rare locations such as the north of England (ayup Jago), Australia (Jago mate) and Spain (Iago).

That Jago is a real Top shagger, humble bragger
Vanilla gorilla, high ticket biller

by Fxck_Deeznuts6969 October 5, 2023


jago is the most caring, fanciest, sweetest and hottest person ever. he always takes pics when he is peeing. jagodeserves head till he dies. everybody wants and need a bf like jago :3

friend: omg did u met jago already?
friend 2: yes hes amazing!

by cel111na November 21, 2021