A Jillian is a perfect balance between athletic and intelligent. She is a great friend and family member too. She loves animals and is a huge nature lover. She can also be crazy and a huge partyer too. She has some ideas that may be hard to fathom for some people, but just know that she has her reasons for them. She always sticks up for her friends and is not afraid to fight back if someone’s bullying them.
Woah she’s great
Must be a Jillian
8👍 3👎
Jillian is a smart and outgoing girl but can be shy too. She’s absolutely stunning in dresses and drop dead gorgeous. A night out with friends is all she asks for. She keeps promises and never lets anyone down. Jillian is an example of a perfect girl.
6👍 2👎
She is a very kind girl. She has an obsession over boys, but isn’t that everyone. Jillian walks past anyone who may anger her, but yet doesn’t show it. She is very loving. Don’t let her down, if you do Jillian may feel alone. She is strong, and she may think she’s not beautiful, but she truly is on the inside and out.
Jillian, someone who will never leave your side.
1.the sexiest person in the world.
2.justin will never stop luving this grl.
3.the soon-to-be mother of Justin's kids.
Hey look, this guy luvs her like a jillian.
689👍 691👎
Jillian. A beautiful girl that will spill her heart out to anyone. She loves anyone and everyone. She also loves her guytime. She has a nice butt. She is ready to laugh at anytime. If you’ve ever met jillian, trust me you’ll never forget her. If you ever have her, don’t loose her.
Wow look at jillian over there she is so funny
4👍 1👎
Jillian is an amazing, beautiful girl. She is always a sweetheart, and is always really kind. She's the type of friend that you'd wanna keep, and a perfect girlfriend. She loves to bake, and has the cutest giggle. She is really talented at what she does, and if anyone who is close to her gets in danger, she will automatically be there for them, no doubt. If you have a Jillian in your life, keep her close and don't loose her.
Hey, you're really pretty and kind... What's your name? "It's Jillian!"
4👍 1👎