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joggers scrot

When your testicals rub on your legs wile jogging. Makeing then red and itchy. Usually very sweaty also.

Hey dan please rub talcum power over my nutsack, i got terrible joggers scrot!

by Jack Tastic August 13, 2006

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farting jogger

A sexual position where a woman or man lays across a table or bed and is engaged in anal or doggy style sex. The male stands behind the reciever, enters the anus or vagina, and jogs in place for intense stimulation as well as farts for added pleasure.

Hey honey, you want to do the farting jogger position? It's my favorite!

by Pooki January 8, 2008

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Joggers nipple

To recieve a short term iritation to the nipples by rubbing on material or carpets!

Joggers nipple he took me from behind in the lexus and my nips rubbed so much on the seat I got "joggers nipple", twat dot com

by server room ho October 15, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jigger Jogger

A jigger jogger is a young, pretty female beverage cart attendant at a golf course.

Fore! Shit, Dan, you almost hit the Jigger Jogger! She sure as hell isn't going to stop now unless we give her a huge tip.

Jigger Joggers make the best bloody mary's!

If you tip the Jigger Jogger well then she will come around more often.

by MidMo Slang Queen September 20, 2017

Desperation Joggers

(Noun) Joggers that you buy the night before traveling, although they were entirely too expensive and you probably will never wear them again.

Sharon, in a moment of lapsed judgement, purchased navy blue desperation joggers for her flight to Hawaii.

by Amersons March 6, 2019

Jogger's Log

The condition brought about by performing strenuous physical activity with a loaded colon. Symptoms can range from acute fart pressure buildup to severe mudbutt, and in some cases, sharts.

Sorry for the half-assed performance, coach. I've got a bad case of jogger's log and might fill my britches if I don't keep a full clench.

by Tcd November 21, 2013

Brown Joggers

When you shit your pants causing your pants to turn brown.

Jared had brown joggers on and shit went down his leg.

by MyNiggaTyroneWithThemAshyLegs February 5, 2017