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Judith sugden

Aka: suggy
Someone who will creep up on you and shout at you for: rolling your skirt, having your skirt to short, wearing makeup, having the wrong trousers, wearing the wrong shoes, zipping up your coat and many other ridiculous uniform related things

Innocent girl: but it’s too big
Suggy: thats why you have hips *does a sassy dance*
Innocent girl: *whispers* i hate judith sugden

by Ripley leaver 2018 April 12, 2019

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Judith Tappitschki

Judith Tappitschki is a fictional character created and designed by Drako_chu who is known for her famous Webcomic "Drakonia". Judith Tappitschki is a 55 year old divorced woman who likes to throw slippers at people. She likes to wear fashion from Adidas.

"I'm so proud of my daughter Judith Tappitschki! She is my best OC and also my most favorite protagonist!" - Drako

by xNic05 May 17, 2022

judith grimes

Shane's Daughter.

Rick: Judith Grimes is not mine.

by The Wonder World December 23, 2016

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judith chalmers

A phrase used in polite company as an exclamation, as an alternative to "jesus christ!"

Judith Chalmers! Did you see that?

by Mugwuffin August 6, 2005

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Judith Ward

The most famous celebrity in The Sims 4 and probably the worst sim I know.

"Dude, I hate Judith Ward, she only cares about herself and didn't let anyone take a selfie with her at SimCon."

by Liffalls January 24, 2019

judith boobs

can be used when you have forgot someones name ,
it can be also used to should at people when you see them

Hey Tom
Hey Alan
Oh My Jesus di you see that girl
what girl Tom
aww i cant remeber her name ermm...
aww yer thats the girl! shes proper fat now

by Thomas James Jackson March 2, 2008

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A make believe scenario...

Person one - OMG we could be a ninja pair and save the planet !!!
Person two - That was such a bad judith-ism :/

by EmAld July 5, 2010

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