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KGB punkass bastard

A KGB punkass bastard is a wannabe cop or a cop.They act like they are a big authority because they think it's cool and they are narcissistic control freaks and snitches and jerks. They need to pull their pants up. They wear their hats backwards. They talk like the ghetto even if their parents are well-off. They're punks and wanksters and wimps and liars and lazy.often times they are polish.

hey you officer tighty whities.your no cop. your a wankster and a wannabe cop.your a KGB punkass bastard. and your still a wimp even if you do that ghetto talk and punkass polish crap. i live my own life.so stop telling me what to do.

hey i am officer tighty whities and polish wannabe cop and wankster. then the guy says fuck you to the KGB punkass bastard. then beats him.

by isssssooooooooooofuckthiscraaa September 12, 2011

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The KGB trifecta

Composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates

The KGB Trifecta. .. I don't know why I invented the term anyways.

by Sexydimma June 24, 2024

Kgb trifecta

The trifecta consisting of k ( John Kerry), g ( Al Gore ) and b ( Bill Gates)

Who invented the term the kgb trifecta anyways?

by Sexydimma May 3, 2024

KGB trifecta

The modern 'holy trinity' of climate/social activists

The KGB trifecta is composed of the following people, known by their initials: Kerry (John), Gore (Al Gore Jr), Bill (Gates). The KGB trifecta wants me to eat fake, processed meat

by Sexydimma June 22, 2024

KGB trifecta

A modern day trifecta composed of John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates

The KGB trifecta is a modern day 'holy trinity' of woketivists

by Sexydimma June 22, 2024

Kgb trifecta

(John) Kerry, (Al) Gore and Bill (Gates) known by their combines acronyms.

The kgb trifecta is a bunch of stupid political activists.

by Sexydimma March 1, 2024

KGB Trifecta

The trifecta of the most loser-sounding, anti capitalist people ever.

The KGB trifecta is named after their KGB initials: Kerry, Gore and Bill. The trifecta is John Kerry, Al Gore and Bill Gates.

by Sexydimma December 3, 2023