The nicest nigga every existed
gets hoes
when likes a girl, he would be mean to her for no apparent reason
He’s always the highest in the room. If you ask him a question you can download Cod before he answeres you. Kenzo doesn’t know you know that he is high so dont tell him.
Hey Kenzo wieviele Lunten hattest du heute schon.
best person ever. acts like they don’t care but care a lot. it takes a lot for them to open up but once they do they’re all yours.
A Goated brawl stars player
Pro dyna
Yo look Kenzo joined better ban dyna now
A Goated Brawl stars player
Pro dyna
Yo look Kenzo joined better ban dyna now
A guy with a enormous penis. Usually as big as the Empire State Building. Usually 5’6 half Japanese and lives in Maryland.
A name that is given to you when your fathers name is enzo and you denies he is the father,
Shame Kenzo you probably dont know Enzo is your father hey?