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Keyboard warrior

A person who acts tough on the internet and hides their true identity.

Aren't keyboard warriors entertaining?

by SilverishGoldNova April 4, 2018

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Keyboard Dyslexia

It's like regular dyslexia except when you type.

Me: I dsilike that.

I have a severe case of Keyboard Dyslexia.

by Lady Alzers January 26, 2011

keyboard thugs

People who act like a gangster and talk shit to other people behind a keyboard but won't act like that in real life.

That bitch ass nigga Nate always talk shit online but when you see him on the street he doesn't say anything. Yeah man Nate and his friends are keyboard thugs!

by International07 December 12, 2013

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keyboard shredding

The act of hammering out programming code insanely fast.

Edwin: "Hey Jon, let's hang out tonight."
Jon: "Sorry, can't tonight; going to do some keyboard shredding."

Miguel: "Hey do you hear all that keyboard clicking noise?"
Edwin: "That's just Jon keyboard shredding. Don't disturbed him; he's in the zone."

Jon: "Wow look at that nerd's long hair and neck beard. He must be a keyboard shredder."

by mooogs May 15, 2017

Keyboard Spam


Person 1: how do you keyboard spam
Person 2:dstkvshkbesydfgdbdun

by Phroggia123 April 29, 2020

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Keyboard Electrician

Someone who goes on YouTube and pretends there a master electrician they also criticize the work of a licensed electrician.

β€œHe should have installed a GFCI protected outlet every electrician knows that.”

β€œHere comes the keyboard electricians!”

by Keyboardeletroction April 5, 2020

Keyboard rape

To randomly mash the buttons of your keyboard for your own personal pleasure. Often when bored and IMing to someone.

Person 1: Dude I'm so bored, dfghdfskjghfdksjlh.

Person 2: Dude thats keyboard rape!

by MontyYazzie November 25, 2009