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Kiele is a beautiful human bean. She deserves a man who will put her first and understand that she is amazing unlike her small self esteem will tell her. When dating a Kiele, move fast so you dont loose her.

Kiele is perfect, never forget that

by Slothboyy2021 January 18, 2021


Kieles the name for a beautiful girl. She’s sweet and compassionate but also doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit. She’s easy to talk to and has a big heart. If you ever get the chance to love a kiele don’t ruin it, worst mistake of your life.

That girl kieles sexy asf I wonder why she’s single

by Avatarlover300 April 15, 2020


Kiele is cool and good at soccer. Everyone likes her, especially Emerson!

Emerson: I love kiele

by Bina the cutest November 21, 2021

kiele kolo

One hammah with a fat shlong

Hou brah u know kiele kolo

by November 23, 2021