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wants killin

phrase to be used to express disapproval of someone

"that tosser that stole my beer wants killin"

by itchyscrot April 4, 2003

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K-K-Killin it

when your doing great at something and you feel a quick chill or are feeling a little racist

-earlier i was K-K-Killin it in Black Ops, i was killing niggas at sight with my Mac-10

-then i fiddled whispered in the bathroom to the image of katy perry

by NiggaBob Funpants February 2, 2011

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serial killin records

Sickest label in underground rap. Also reffered to as SKR

I raped sum bitchez smokedz sum fatties and worshipped satan all at the same time thanks to Serial Killin Records

by KillnBtchz247 March 31, 2009

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killin da game

Term typically used by African American males to express that they have an abundance of a resource

"I have a stack on me.I'm killin da game"

by Killacoopermoni98 May 29, 2017

You're Killin' Me, Smalls!

A quote from The Sandlot. If someone says this to you, it's probably a sign that they think you are stupid, and you should probably just walk away. Say this to someone only when they are acting incredibly stupid or clueless.

Tyler: Have you seen the movie The Sandlot?
Hailey: Umm, no.
Tyler: You're killin' me, Smalls!
Hailey: WTF?

by PrettierThanYourGF June 13, 2016

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a killing person, to be addressed to after one a murder of it, inside a family living room

Killin, I am seeing hence I was knowing him, happy Barb/

by man!? July 15, 2017

Serial Killin

When a woman or man swallows sperm. This kills a billion potential kids.

Do that bitch suck dick? Yeah, and you know she be serial killin.

by The OriginalStealth January 12, 2019