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kindling war

When a country is so poor they throw fire-wood at each other, then in the winter one dies from cold and the other goes underground for warmth

In the episode of south park when everyone turned gay (metro sexual.) The crab people came up from underground to pose as thoes queer eye guys, one thousand years after the last kindling war.

by The_Cheater7 May 9, 2010

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Kindling Wars

A clever reference to Fascism in "South Park is Gay!" the eighth episode of Season Seven, and the 104th overall episode of South Park. It aired on October 22, 2003

In the Kindling Wars We ran out of Cedar so used Witches and Gays for our burning Fasces,

by butters Ghost October 22, 2017

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kindle model 1

What the ancients used to call a "book". A primitive version of the amazon kindle made out of thin leaf-like material and bound together. It only had memory for one story at a time. It is now a pointless antique.

Dave: "what's this dusty old paper thing?"

Mary: "I think that's the kindle model 1"

Dave: "Does it have 3g?"

Mary: "No"

by jokerpants April 27, 2011

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kindle finger

noun. An injury to one's finger, similar to tennis elbow, resulting from holding the weight of a kindle on that finger.

Ow! I can't make a proper fist because I have kindle finger.

by drfreed August 28, 2020

Smelly kindling

An action in which you set butthole hairs on fire and liquid shit to extinguish the fire

β€œDude last night I tried to preform smelly kindling, it did not go well”

by That guy thats weird asf September 17, 2018

Kindle kids

Kindle kids is used when someone with a kindle fire has chatted up kids on there kindle fire, so you call the kids kindle kids as they have been captured by a pedo.

Danny stop chatting up your kindle kids

by Good at ark August 11, 2018

Kindle and cuddle

A bit like Netflix and chill but instead of having sex with a film you curl up with someone and read.

You might read while your partner falls asleep using you as a pillow

Do you wanna Netflix and Chill ,

No thanks, I'm more of a kindle and cuddle kinda girl

by aza_uk September 25, 2016