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The sad version of cool.

Guy: we're going to Disney world

You: Cool!

Guy: you have a doctors appointment today.
You: Kool.....

by It is wack June 22, 2017


it means, cool idc, or cool I didn't ask

Mom: ur sister turned 8 today!
me (giga chad): kool

by BeeBoxz June 3, 2023


A better version of cool, used when something is amazingly epic, usually used with the sunglasses emoji ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

"you are so kool๐Ÿ˜Ž!"

by Lola, copyright owner of kool November 19, 2020


A word that means cool but better. A genius must have thought of this

Wow I can't believe your so kool

by Smart Man *for real* March 12, 2019


Just like kilometers, kool is equal to something 1000 bigger, in the case of meters you say kilometers, in case of something cool, you say kool

That kid is so awesome that he is a member of the KKK, kool kids klan

He is so kool
-what's kool?

It's 1000x cooler than anyone cool

by Capachao420 November 19, 2019


A word used by a not so famous kid who wears a helmet and a blue sweatshirt. And is...a bit cute

Dude that's killer Kool

by Super PSI Kid July 22, 2016


Being kool.
Kool people belong in the group "K-unit".

Damn those two are so kool.
Like the other side of the pillow.

by Hollers September 15, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž