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Lod Chos

When you show politeness or kindness towards a friend. It translates to sucking a dick. The correlation here is that sucking a dick provides pleasure to the receiver, hence when you're people pleasing it is LOD CHOSING.

Devunda: hey can i borrow your pencil for a second
Lolich Yadav: Sure bud
Abhinav: lod chosle jaake

by Boofu member September 12, 2022


(N)-Usually reffered to a person who finds an attraction towards people who's names are Daniela.
(V)- to carry something disruptingly or haphazardly.

(N)- Louis always found herself a Lod when she looked at Daniela.
(V)- The travelers lodded the books so much that it torn a hole through the chief's backpack.

by Oxford Dictionari December 31, 2025


(N)- Typically referred to a woman, but sometimes a man, a Lod is a person who is a Lover Of Daniela, or anyone who's name is Daniela.
(V)- to disruptingly carry something

(N)- Louis always found herself a Lod when she was with Daniela.
(V)- the travelers Lodded the books so much that the books almost torn a hole in the backpack.

by Oxford Dictionari December 31, 2025


which means lodi, and lodi in backwards means idol, thus lods = idol.

it is used often by teenagers in the internet.

1.lods tank ka na ako mage

2.ano specs niyan lods?

by George floyd gamingg August 7, 2021


lots of dick

Omg I need LOD bro

by sunsetsandme April 23, 2023


don’t tell luke

luke’s a lod

by volosoraper September 14, 2020


don’t tell luke

luke’s a lod

by volosoraper September 14, 2020