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The blonde, forgetful, but caring and funny in the most kind ways.

Wow, that girl is such a laci.

by πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„ January 6, 2016

70πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


From the town Lassy of Normandy. A surname brought to the Britsh Isles including Ireland and Scotland. A girl that can please everyone. A beautiful woman that embodies femininity. Version of Scottish and Irish Lassie. Like Lace, delicate and feminine. A version of Lacey.

She is quite the Lacie.

by Somechick7997 February 3, 2010

138πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


Laci is a shy small bean but once you get to know her she is a crazy but loveable person. All of her friends do see that she can be whiney and a little bitch if you piss her off but when she is happy and smiling you can't help but smile too. She is quiet a phyco tho, wanting to run off and scare all of her friends when possible. She is also soft and gentle when she sees her friends hurt or sad. She takes notes on what makes them happy so she knows how to make them smile. She is quite a good flirt when you get to be with her (good luck) and she loves her boy toy. Even tho she is small she can pack a punch if needed also using her teeth if wanting to make them bleed. All in all tho she is super nice but scary and the most interesting girl you will ever meet.

Hey man have you seen that laci girl? She is a little scary

I do also think that but she is also very friendly if you become her friend

by Femox the emo February 19, 2019

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


verb: to lacy (someone): To thrash one's opponent severely, displaying great technical skill and control for a prolonged period

noun: a lacying: a severe thrashing in which the one giving the thrashing has displayed great technical skill and control for a prolonged period

phrase: give someone a lacy(ing): thrash someone severely, displaying great technical skill and control for a prolonged period

Joe Calzaghe lacyed Jeff Lacy.

The term was coined by Amsterdam of the East Side Boxing Forum to describe the beating Joe Calzaghe gave Jeff Lacy.

by Decebal October 30, 2007

235πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž


Any innocent person who was killed who didn't deserve it.

Don't kill a Laci because you are fucking selfish.

by DaMan November 7, 2003

164πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


Laci is probably the most amazing person you’ll ever meet. She has such a huge personality and has this great sense of humor. She is very goofy and weird but in a good way and always knows when it’s time to be serious. She is always supportive of your choices no matter what she may think. Lastly she is very serious about her sleep! She sleeps anytime possible

Eden: damnnnnnn have you head about laci?
Kyle:Yeah dude she’s hot and has the most amazing personality

by Thatonerandompersonroamingarou July 1, 2018

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Laci is the most sweet girl you will meet. She might me emotional but trust me keep her as a friend she will never hurt you.

β€œLaci is sooo nice a sweet I’m gonna keep her as a friend”

by Amour.layy May 24, 2019