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Lanes can be your friend or your enemy, your worst enemy. He can be disrespectful and immature but at the same time knows when he's overstepped his bounds. Lanes are by nature shit talkers and won't confront you face to face. Lanes are even known to go as far as crying/begging to the opposite sex for attention, unfortunately he usually ruins his own attempts due to the sheer number of girls hes messing with. A jock and a buzzkill at best

Dude did you see that guy at my party lastnight He was hitting on all the girls even the twenty three year olds fiancee why couldent he just chill it was ridiculous

Ah what a lane, one ruined my party last weekend I just kicked him out

by Stormcloud099 July 7, 2011

16👍 61👎


He’s a dork and no one knows. He definitely comes off as a bit of an ass but when you get to know him you can’t help but fall for his gorgeous eyes and beautiful mind. He is a jokester and the most amazing best friend anyone could ask for.

Lane is one weird nigga.

by youraveragestoner October 20, 2018

1👍 1👎


That one weird kid in class that just randomly stares at you. Once you get to know him you’ll find out he’s even weirder and creepier than you thought. He’s a hick, country bumpkin and a homosexual. He’s tall and lanky and likes to pretend gay with the guys. (Might be gay)

Omg why is he stalking me... he’s such a lane

by Paytonion January 1, 2019

3👍 7👎


A Huge Kid With Erectile Dis-function

Wow Lane

by Briggs "Hits the G spot Twice" February 28, 2018

2👍 4👎


Lane is the one shy kid with some frends who is secretly a weeaboo but wont talk about it.

Person: I saw *blank* drawing some anime fag shit.

Me: Yea, is his name Lane?

by wasabicookies June 20, 2018

1👍 6👎


If you ever come in contact with a Lanee, keep her. She’s a person that’ll stay will you until the end. A soulmate, and very very beautiful.

Lanee is my best friend. And I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.

by Your best friend of 4 years <3 January 14, 2021


the act of two or more people hanging out in or around a garage, driveway (paved or gravel), patio, deck, street, carport, etc where beer and tobacco products are suggested but not required.

Henry has been out there laneing all day and hasn't dont a damn thing other then drink beer and smoke 'grits.

The men were laneing as they worked on the the tractors


by yupjk89 January 25, 2012