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Doggy on a Leash

Psuedo-sexual relations in the position of traditional "doggy style" except instead of vaginal penetration, the woman puts her hand between her thighs and the man places his penis there instead. Unlike a hand job though, the woman just makes a tight fist, and the man does all the work.

Benefits: For the man, the feeling (with some lubrication) is surprisingly similar and the eye-candy of having sex in doggy style is almost identical. The benefit to the woman is that she can please her horny boyfriend with the moral overhead of a hand job and not have to "go all the way".

This position has also been referred to as Doggy with a Dike. This author is not sure why but presumably originating from a creative lesbian meeting some man's advances half-way.

Dude: Bro, I met this horny born-again chic last night. She didn't let me fuck her, but we did Doggy on a Leash.

Bro: So you just got a hand job then. Whatever

Dude: Try it sometime. I was hittin' that shit like crazy. Couldn't even tell the diff.

Bro: Thats okay, I don't go to Bible study classes to pick up girls.

by JD_from_Athens December 3, 2008

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bitch on a leash

bitch on a leash is defined as a bitch being over powered, controlled, or will not do anything, unless parter/significant other tells them that it is okay to do(only obeys partner significant other).

(Man and friend are at a party where they run into another friend of theirs accompanied by his girlfriend).
Man: "Shit man, you took that two-faced penny hooker whore for a girlfriend back? She's a dirty fuckin wench! I'd dump her ass!"
Girlfriend: "Fuck you, you dirty piece of shit!"
Girlfriend's Boyfriend (Man's friend): "Shut yo bitch ass face bitch! You do what I tell you to do! You don't speak unless I speak to you!"

Next Night, Different Party

(Man and friend runs into friend and girlfriend once again).
Man: "Shiiit, you're still with that hoe?!"
Girlfriend glares at man, then smiles and walks away.
Girlfriend's Boyfriend (Friend of man's): "Sorry dudes, gotta go!"
Friend of Man's (The friend that accompanied man to party): "Damn man, he must have got that bitch a leash!"
Man: "Yeah.. she's a bitch on a leash!"

by Lyndsay6789 September 26, 2007

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gimp on a leash

Originally from the song "Freak on a leash" by KoRn. Somehow managed to change to Gimp on a leash.

1)Used as an insult to a stupid younger sibling.

"Oh My God! You broke my straighteners! You Gimp on a Leash!"

by Grace & Maddie May 7, 2006

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Leash Rage

When a dog that is usually calm and gentle without a leash, becomes extremely agressive and agitated towards people and other animals when on-leash.

The normally calm dog was leashed and ended up having leash rage towards Ryan in the beginning of an episode of Wilfred.

by beaviscornholio July 6, 2012

short leash

To keep control over somebodys activities.

Edward always has to gext his girlfriend where he's going. She's keeping him on a short leash.

by entwinedways February 13, 2020

leash candy

A dog that someone has gotten just to look good and/or a very goodlooking dog.

Guy #1: "Hey man, look at that girl's leash candy."
Guy #2: "Yeah, that is one handsome Golden Retreiver!"

by Blargman March 5, 2007

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Leash Child

A child who is restrained on a leash usually being dragged by an un-attentive parent. These children can usually be seen at wal-mart, disneyland, grocery stores, or any other generally large area.

The said leash can come in many different styles ranging from the standard which makes it look like a dog harness wrapped around a child to the newer style where the leash is attached to some ugly little backpack so the parent doesn't feel as bad when people stare and can pretend like their child is wearing it because they like it.

Seeing these children usually make you think of a dog on a leash when the child strays too far the parent will either just keep strolling along dragging the poor child behind or give the leash a good tug there-by forcing said child back at their side.

Shelby: did you just see that leash child?

Melissa: Yeah, poor thing.
Shelby: lets cut the leash and free him!

Ashley: I saw a leash child today at wal-mart
Danny: Was the mom dragging it down the isles?
Ashley: Ya she didn't even notice until he got stuck on a display case

by mcaitlen March 14, 2011

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