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The term varies a lot between contexts, so, to avoid looking like a dumbass, I'll stick with the ones I know.

#1: Liberal, adjective, non-political.

Stating using a large dosage of something or having mostly nonrestrictive views about issues such as sex or religion.

Example: I used a liberal amount of sugar to make those cookies. I am fairly liberal when it comes to what Church I go to. I am liberal and venturesome in the bedroom.

#2: Liberal, adjective, political.


Due to the sheer amounts of hate and propoganda floating around here, I will try to be as objective as possible.

Liberals are generally on the left side of the political spectrum. This is the same side as communists, fascists, and socialists. However, most liberals are not communists, or fascists, or socialists to any significant degree. Communism is to the far end of Liberalism. It is about the destruction of all class and property distinctions between people, like China during the Great Leap Forward. Fascism is a strong, centrist dictatorship, but is not communist. An example would be Suddam Hussein's Iraq.

See below to continue.

Socialism is the blanket term that most accurately describes what many moderate liberals believe. It is like a watered-down form of communist in it's media-presented form. However, it is not that simple. It is about the government and the people aiding one another and distributing supplies and wealth according to a system. The degree of socialism ranges strongly, from almost non-existent levels such as in ancient Rome's alimentia, which was free bread and vegetable soup to the poor. The extreme end would be Hitler's Germany, which had programs for the betterment of certain Germans. It brought the country out of WW1, but it turned essentially fascism with social security.

I think I've said enough. If you haven't figured it out already, I am a Liberal. Thats the end of part 1. I'd post more, but someone implemented limits on how long entries can be.

by cogitator June 10, 2010

529๐Ÿ‘ 322๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who hate conservatives.

"I'm a liberal and I hate conservatives." - Bob

by caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa September 14, 2017

742๐Ÿ‘ 410๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best political party to date. Accomplishments include, but not limited too.

1. Not teaching god in school.

2. Being part of the smarter people in America.

3. Legalizing abortion.

4. Legalizing Gay marriage

5. Having motherfucking Bill Clinton



Millions of other liberals: NO SHIT!!

by MADDOXPATT January 11, 2010

482๐Ÿ‘ 260๐Ÿ‘Ž


Liberal people have open minds. They don't let people tell them how they should live, who to love, and who to worship. They know how to keep the Church out of the Government. They are the most intellectual, Educated, logical people out there. The come mostly from the Democratic party. The Conservatives and Republicans fear them because they have the capacity to rule nations. Made to seem bad by the Republican party because Republican hate not having control! Liberals believe love will conquer hate and that an open mind will close hate!

That liberal guy is so open to the world around him.

by NorCalLiberated December 23, 2016

478๐Ÿ‘ 258๐Ÿ‘Ž


The champions of humanity.They are the doo gooders of society,they keep the nasty conservatives at bay.They keep firearms out of people's hands.Liberals balance the budget without raising taxes on the wealthy.Liberals cure nasty diseases,they are godlike and well educated.

I love liberals,they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

by Ratherfish February 10, 2017

407๐Ÿ‘ 220๐Ÿ‘Ž


Liberals dont worship John Kerry, i bet a fuckin "conservative" would have a shit fit if "liberals" bashed them and called them tight ass bush worshipers.
I support Gay Marriage, does that mean im un american or a hippie? Well excuse me for wanting equality and not wanting gays to be discriminated.
This "war" is stupid, theres still mass murder, mass murder of the hopeful soldiers fighting for no cause. I support the troops bravery, but the war has to end. bring em home!
Oh yeah the news..totally biased.

me:Hear about the genocide in DARFUR AFRICA on the news lately?
some dude:No whats that?
me:Violence and mass murder in africa, there crying for help, but no one is helping.
some dude:What news ch? the only news i see is about guys trying to jump from the empire state building, maurys sex scandal and TomKittens baby.
me:figures..society today..
some dude: whatever, you liberals always complaining about things and wanting to help some hopeless cause.Im gonna go buy some clothes, do my hair and do ma nails, cuz chris brown is in concert

by wattaheeet5 April 29, 2006

445๐Ÿ‘ 246๐Ÿ‘Ž


wait wait wait...you say the liberals dont care about our soliders? Last time i checked, it was the liberals who were against the war in Iraq, where over 1500 over our soliders have died and over 10000 (TEN FUCKING THOUSAND) have been horribly maimed and countless others have suffered phycological damage. All to "Free the Iraqi people"...who obviously dont want to be free, since all of them are helping to blow the shit out of our soliders, who if the republicans cared about wouldnt be there anyway

Person A: Dude you liberals hate the soliders! douche
Me: Ya...which is why the liberals made all the soliders go to iraq
Person B: Ya, but the soliders are making the Iraqi's free !!!!!!!!!111one
Me: Dude...we went into iraq to kill terrorists and find weapons of mass destruction...by the way, where is Osama bin Laden
Person A: Who??? that name sounds kinda familiar, but all thoughs arab names sound alike.
Me: Nevermind...did you know that most human rights organizations put Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (mr. bush's allies) as worse human rights offenders than Iraq BEFORE we invaded them...and this is the reason our soliders are fucking dieing in iraq.
Person B: You hate american you liberal!
Me: lets send some stupid republican corperate assholes to fight instead of lower class kids trying to pay for collage...like my cousin

by yoav March 29, 2005

440๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž