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a fandom that is more like a family supporting 5 amazing boys: Jonah Marais,Corbyn Besson,Daniel Seavey,Jack Avery,and Zach Herron. They are Why Don’t We! Make sure to stream all their music on Spotify

I need you in my life like Limelight

by WhydontweYuhhhh July 31, 2018

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Amazing Fans who support the hottest Man band there is the whole world Why Don't We.

Why Don't we made their first song 'Taking You' and it says 'I need you in my life like limelight' and that's when we named ourselves 'Limelights'

by Limelight since 09-27-16 November 12, 2018

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Limelight: a person who hardcore stans the man band why don’t we who also happen to be ping pong enthusiasts. Limelights are sometimes unnecessarily bitchy and some start some drama with other limelights and fandoms. Limelights support the wdw boys no matter what and would do literally anything for the boys, though they aren’t yet as powerful as the once directioners were and still are.

Becky: you aren’t a limelight unless you have an undying passion for the band β€˜why don’t we’

Vanessa: I’m still hung up over one direction!

Becky: you ain’t no fucking limelight then

by Bishfightme November 28, 2018

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The fans of the boysband β€œWhy Don’t We”.
Also the most toxic people that can exist.

Girl1: I’m sooo fan of why dont we!
Girl2: So you are one of the limelights?
Girl 1: Yes i am!
Girl2: Iew you are tOxIc

by I wAnT a PoTaTo January 26, 2020

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Limelight day

National limelight day; were black and white to honor the why don't we boys

She wore that outfit for ljmelight day; Limelight day is for all why dont we fans to gather their black and white clothes and wear it on october 26th

by Limelight day October 24, 2019

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bask in the limelight

to stand in the spotlight, to enjoy the triumph of an achievement and/or
making oneself the centre of attention.

A: "if i jump off Eiffel tour wearing superman's suit i'd be famous!"
B:" sure..but you'd die idiot !! and miss your chance to bask in the limelight !"

by Hamza_sniper July 15, 2010

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hogging the limelight

Hog the limelight
It means to take the public attention more than you should. Monopolize the public attention.

"I got sacked because the director thought I was hogging the limelight"

by theus0307 September 6, 2015

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