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Shaun Livingston

Verb: To do a Shaun Livingston you have to be playing basketball, be on a fastbreak, and miss a dunk so terribly that you land on one leg and break every joint in your knee.

Noun: Point guard for the Los Angeles Clippers.

Dude, you just Shaun Livingston'd foo.

by $lim $hady May 23, 2008

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

David Livingston

An amazing human being that makes awesome YouTube videos

David Livingston all mighty

by DAZEY June 24, 2015

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Livingston High School

Livingston high school isn't as diverse as they say, it's mostly just Asians, Jews and everything in between. Most of them stick together in their own group and become this isolated ball. But one of the ways that people get together is through SEX . i'm not saying that every girls is a thot, i'm just saying that 90 percent are thots. LHS thots tend to go 1 of 2 ways when it comes to clothing, either wear skintight pants that are 6 sizes too small and stick your ass out abnormally or wear about 20 percent clothing where your ass is hanging out (underwear is optional) and if we didn't see enough of you from behind we also have to deal with the 950 snapchat stories about your dog or you making idiotic poses with your tongue hanging out. but LHS girls can't be LHS girls without BLOWJOBS, things that are given out like pamphlets in New York. for them, it seems like chlamydia is a culture and not a disease

But what about guys, well its pretty divided, you're either a jock, a geek, a loner or a prick (with exceptions). There are a lot of guys out there who play sports A LOT and that's not a problem at all, but when you become a complete douchebag about it then its annoying to everyone else. But most of all, certain guys like to emphasize the size of their dick with a passion, for example making jokes like, "my dick is bigger than your future". In this school especially, there is an abundance of fuckboi haircuts and most of them feel the need to fondle their hair every 3 minutes.

"hey man"
"4'o clock, her pants arent even covering 50 percent of her ass"
(starts jerking off in class)
"i heard she fucked (insert 7 stereotypical jewish last names)"
"i heard she got chlamydia"
(fapping intensifies)
(pulls out a blunt and smokes in front of teacher)
couldn't give the slightest fraction of a fuck
but still represents livingston high school

by the cringey meme kid September 25, 2017

69πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Governor Livingston

A high school in Berkeley Heights, a smallish town in northern New Jersey. With a population of no more than 2,000 students, there is not an ounce of diversity, with the exception of some Asians and indians. You will see no more than 2 black people per grade, and the lack of diversity gives the town its infamous nickname it bears, Berkeley Whites. Governor Livingston is the epitome of a bigoted small town high school. The students are either competing to go to ivy schools, have their parents pay them into some mediocre private school, or, attend rutgers, ucc, or msu. The teachers and faculty get cancelled and flamed every months when racist or homophobic issues get exposed, but it all washes over in a few months, the β€œchange” being a new student run diversity club. The gym bathrooms are not for traditional restroom uses. Every time you enter, you will find at least one student skipping class, and the entire bathroom getting hotboxed from nicotine addicts. If you go in the morning, you’ll find many students crammed into the big stall, passing a cart around, trying to get high before class starts. Any words or story’s you tell to your friend in that bathroom, the entire will find out about. Any male teacher in the school is most likely a pedophile, and that change increases at the same rate of their age.

Person 1- Hey, what school did you graduate from?
Person 2- Governor Livingston, why?
Person 1- That makes sense, you have no idea how to function in an environment that’s not bigoted, clique, and gossipy!

by the305ers August 28, 2021

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Livingston High School

Probably 40% Jewish, 33% Asian (including Indian and Filipino), 25% other white kids, 2% other(black, Hispanic). Full of rich Jewish kids who don't know the value of money. BMW's and Audi's are popular first cars for seventeen year olds with fresh new licenses, however, most kids drive at age sixteen without licenses, and don't get caught because Livingston police are so naive. Most kids don't have jobs and use their parents money or drug money to buy expensive clothes.

The kids are also very stupid because Livingston has a great drug-education program, but 75% if kids have probably tried or still do drugs, YET THEY KNOW BETTER. They also sell drugs, and their parents don't question where the money comes from, because the parents assume it's from their credit cards.

However, apart from that, Livingston is generally very intelligent. This sector of Livingston High School is mostly made up of Asians and a few smart white kids. Kids mostly place first, rarely second, in math competitions. Most kids go to the IVY league, and top schools, and 3.8 GPAs are looked down upon. If you don't take an honors or AP class, you are stupid.

But in recent years, the town has gone downhill because a lot of ghetto kids have moved to Livingston and are bringing the school down.

Last name of choice is Gold___, Silver___, Rosen___, Cohen, ____witz, and Schneider. Jews are so popular, that Judaism is no longer a religion, it's a nationality. The town is so full of Jews that the only thing kids learn about is the Holocaust, and all other instances of genocide are completely forgotten.

At Livingston High School, (insert girl's name) Cohen loves her Coach purse, Seven jeans, and brand new Audi that she will crash within a month of getting her licsense. Her parents will then buy her a brand new BMW to replace that Audi. On weekends, she drinks and gets high with (insert boy's name) Silverman, and drives home intoxicated, only to be ignored by the police.

by LHSer March 15, 2008

120πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Livingston Freshmen Baseball

The most funniest sports crew ever assembled. Notorious for putting holes in the locker room and "Deficating" on the bathroom floor. Prob. The most hated team coach Firr. ever had. John warner and goldberg were known as the team cock suckers. Millburn was thier biggest rival. They dared motals to step into there realm. Fat people can't pitch. they were the reason coach firr couldn't get laid. Will forever be known as the infamous 16.

Livingston Freshmen Baseball

"Justin...Don't bunt this pitch!" - Firrenator

" I think it hit the water tower."- JB
" Yea i think it hit that guy in the head......." - Dave Chapplle

" I am going to deflower you tight pink assholes!"-NK

" NO GOOOD!"- Firr

by Dennis Mc'Qual August 19, 2007

35πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Livingston High School

As much as everybody complains that they hate Livingston, it's not that bad of a town. The crime rate is relatively low (though it's been getting worse because the ghetto kids from Newark and West Orange have been moving in). Even though there are many cliques (Asians, japs, blacks and hispanics, etc.) and you would think we're just a rich stuck up town, people are surprisingly nice to each other. There are rarely any cases of "bullying" and whatever. Livingston is also close to NYC and the shore, and at least we have a movie theater, ice skating rink, and a few restaurants. There are three malls near us - Livingston Mall, Willowbrook Mall, and Short Hills Mall. Nobody ever goes to the Livingston Mall because the Short Hills Mall has the expensive name brand stores.

Most people here are obnoxiously rich. Kids whose families have airplanes and private jets are considered a little richer than everyone else, but it's not that out of the ordinary. You look at the student parking lot and see Range Rovers, Audis, and BMWs, and then look at the teachers parking lot and see regular cars like Hondas and Fords. If you don't own at least one pair of True Religion jeans or something designed by Tory Burch, you aren't a true Livingstoner. And by Livingstoner, I mean LivingSTONER.

Everyone here does drugs because they have nothing better to do with their money, and if anything ever happens, their parents can hire the best lawyers and use money to pay their way out.

People here are also really smart. The top 10% always has a 4.0+ GPA, and if not, then that year's graduating class was stupid. There is always at least one kid going to Harvard, and if not, then it's a shame. We always win science and math competitions. The intelligent bunch is mainly made up of Asians (including Indians), then Jews. The dumb people are usually the guido kids who end up going to MOCO, or as they like to call it, CCM because it sounds better than MOCO even though its the same thing.

Livingston parents are hell to teachers and the Board of Eduacation. They call to complain about everything.

Livingston High School recently had a brand new Science Wing and gym (aka Fitness and Wellness Center lol wtf?) built. The Science Wing was necessary because the old science equipment was out of date, but the 50 million new computers and automatic lights and shit weren't. LHS just built it to look good. The gym was perfectly fine too, but the school just wasted a couple hundred million dollars on it so that our sports teams look better, even though most teams suck (except for like tennis and track which don't play in the gym).

When the LHS football team finally won the championship this year, everyone went crazy about it because our team sucks balls and it finally accomplished something.

Go Lancers?

One Day, at Livingston High School...

Hey, why aren't you wearing your True Religion jeans?
Oh, that's because I'm wearing my seven's today!
If they didn't cost at least $200, they're not good enough.
Don't worry, mine cost even more!

by Pseudo Dude May 27, 2009

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