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A type of resentment for out of area/newbie surfers felt by "natives" of the area. May also be called Native-ism.

I went to go surf a ::insert beach that is not in your area:: but i was threatened and shunned becuase there's such high localism.

by DeX September 6, 2004

30👍 8👎


locals are people who are VERY generic. they have personality but they stay blended in with most of the crowd. they love things like Riverdale, generic memes from accounts like dory or pms, they love using old Twitter slang like “tea” “wig” “that’s the tea” “shook” “oof”

ugh, i’m surrounded by locals who swear they’re up and fresh.

by theybetalkingdownonme October 22, 2018

22👍 5👎


someone with no personality, unique (but not really) to your area. they all look the same, talk the same, dress the same, and like the same things. they only listen to mainstream music, shop at PINK and hollister, drink gallons of starbucks, and, worst of all, think they're "alternative," "edgy" or "qUirKY" in some way. the word is often used by twitter stans to describe people outside of stan culture. see also: basic, normie, thot

lia: dude, jenny is so hot
may: no way she's such a local

stan: SiS MY WIG IS GONE sksksksksksskks what a skinny legend !! iconic
stan: fuckiNG TEA !! what a queeN i"M--
local: wtf is sksksksksksks?
local: she's not skinny??
local: why didn't you finish your sentence???

by localsister May 24, 2019

12👍 2👎


local is a word mainly used on stan twitter to describe someone who says they 'stan' a specific person after a large achievement for that person (e.g when Ariana Grande dropped 'Thank u, next' she gained a lot of so called 'stans', you would call those people locals as they only like her for her huge hit instead of for the rest of her music/personality). It shouldn't be used to describe someone basic or someone who uses specific emojis (;

'wow please say that louder for the locals at the back'
'you're such a local'

by buteralovhes May 7, 2019

14👍 3👎


The act of making a product suitable for a culture foreign to its native region. For example, translating and recasting the voices of characters in an anime to English. This can also include some other modifications, such as changing a play on words or a common idiom native to the original region that wouldn't make sense in a foreign language, or even censorship of certain images and actions like removing a cigar from a character or replacing piles of bones with loaves of bread.

The Japanese and Korean localization of League of Legends excluded Graves' cigar because depictions of smoking would bump the rating of the game to 17+, making it inconsistent with the American version's rating.

The American English localization of the hit new game "Britain's Bikini Battlers" removed the "u" from color, flavor, behavior, harbor, honor, humor, labor, neighbor, rumor, splendor, favor, endeavor, clamor, glamor, valor, vapor... well, you get the picture. Also, they replaced the word "arse" with "ass" and got rid of the joke about Tories running through wheat fields.

by ThisisJacksonMissi February 23, 2020

11👍 2👎


someone in your area who is very generic who has no individuality. they only like anything that’s popular or overrated. they’re most likely not educated on important subjects or simply don’t care about them. locals tend to listen to post malone, drake, migos, cardi b and similar artists. they like the most mediocre memes or they don’t know what a meme is at all. they have an unfunny sense of humor. they try to be “relatable” or “quirky” but they’re just cringey

Person 1: “Ava is such a local! She thinks that she’s funny and ‘quirky’ because she posted that unfunny meme the other day!”

Person 2: “I know right! She has no personality.”

by violishis October 31, 2018

9👍 2👎


Prominant people who have lived in an area for an extended period of time.

"Yeah, he's mad local up in Newy. Everyone knows him."

by Diego August 31, 2003

112👍 78👎