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- Dont blame your misery on someone else.

You say this to a person when they blame their shitty lives on something or someone else.

A person who can not or will not take responsibly for their own problems.

"I can believe I got pregnant and now my boyfriend wants to leave me and my ex wont take me back. I hate my life why does no one want me?"

"hey D-B-Y-M-O-S-E. You should have told your boyfriend to wear a condom, and you ex wont take you back because you said you would never like him again, he moved on."

You hate your life because of you are stupid and heartless. Not because of them. Sorry.

by thankgodforuswillyou June 10, 2010

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A internet abbrieviation that has managed to break communication boundaries and is spoken by some in public.
Simply put OMG means, Oh my god!

Person 1: "Look at her outfit, can you believe someone would wear that?"

Person 2: "O M G. , have they even heard of the word fashion."

by Sean Big Red July 1, 2006

201πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


Exclamation for when "OMG" is just not enough to express the surprise of the the moment.

Person 1: I just found a wall charger that works with my iPad!

Person 2: O-M-SQUEE!!!

by pseudostar432 January 22, 2011

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


In internet chatrooms, Oh My God.

Pronounced oh em gee when spoken aloud.

O M G, that camper pwned everyone in Unreal Tourney!

by Sabaku no Gaara October 15, 2005

98πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

s m o k y b r o w n

A young man with dark skin, most likely from Nigeria, who is very perverted and dirty. He tends to make random noises at random moments. He sometimes wears glasses.

(by TerrΓΈr)

That idiot over there is just like s m o k y b r o w n.

by terror the retard August 21, 2017


Oh My Jesus! A more dramatic way to say OMG. It should be used sarcastically and dramatically to emphasize whatever situation O-M-J was said to. O-M-J and Oh My Jesus are interchangeable but if you say the complete phrase, don't forget to emphasize Jeeeeeesus!

O-M-J that bitch looks busted!

Oh My Jeeesus! That bitch is getting crazy!

by CASH $ G G G G G-UNIT! June 3, 2011

29πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A DIRTY OLD MAN who perves/touches/looks for younger wemon, a pedo etc.

i saw your dad havin' a perve on your little sisters friends the other day, he is a D O M

by Horse September 24, 2005

324πŸ‘ 176πŸ‘Ž