To have made a meme but butchered the format.
When searching reddit by new.
"These are all mamed"
Mamed is an amazing young handsome motherfucker. He thinks he has diplomatic immunity no matter what he does. All girls fall in love with his 1cm thick glasses and his Gucci merch. He thinks he can get all the bitches in the world, but he wears a wife-beater. He is slightly homosexual, but only like 4%. He thinks he's awesome because he has a driver from Baku that can drive on 2 wheels. He thinks he can buy the IB at the same price he buys his Gucci jogging hose. He has a huge dick and thinks he's awesome when he is high.
Overall, Mamed is an awesome guy with very little manners and respect, but he is still an awesome Caucasian/Arab/Asian lad.
Bob: "Look at this crazy motherfucker, I wanna be like him"
John: "Yes, he is awesome"
Bob: "What's his name? He looks cool asf"
John: "Don't you know? His name is Mamed, he is a legend"
Bob: "Oh shit, that makes sense now!"
A saying in twi, which describes the love you have for the person mother private part.
The baddest you will ever know. Get away from them. They will sneaky come into your life as a nice girl, but then when you really get to know them, they are just toxic and a snake in a girls body. You will hate them. Just get away
guy1: oh who is that nice girl?
Guy2: thats Mame Fatou. Do not talk with her. She is just a snake
A shy girl until you get to know her. She is the ultimate definition of stunning! Absolutely crazy and fun to be around. She has an eye for fashion. Don't mess with her though, big mistake. She just wants to be loved, so give her a chance. She is a great friend to have. You'll never know what to expect from Mame. Another spelling for Maame. Typically means mother or mother figure in Ghana.
Person A: Mame, na wo h) ti sen?
Mame: Eyi!
Its an catch phrase used by the legend Mannai Saathik to refer a meme
Inimey mames podathinga da ena vechi