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A nickname that someone gives to another. There name is Madison most of their time.

Unknown: Hey Madie, what's up?
Madie: Nothing much, how about you?

If you're nickname is Madie then we are now friends,
my nickname is Madie by the way.

by notedIthink February 14, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


She is a fun loving girl who loves cheer leading and loves her family. When you are down she will lift your spirits up. She will always be there for you and loves her friends with all of her heart. When you feel left out or forgotten Madi will come make sure your okay! She is really the best and if you have a Madi in your life you should treasure your time with her.

Madi is an amazing person!

by Feline Frenzy November 13, 2018


When person is extremely hot, rich and outrageous with his attidude when needed.

Usually lives high and takes risks.

This bro is so "Madis" after he smacked that fucker to the face, because he insulted him.

by Serif May 6, 2009

68πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Mady is a truly amazing girl all around. She is so sweet and even though she may seem tough and emotionless sometimes she has the most emotions in the world. She is super beautiful, funny, and overall the most amazing person you'll ever meet. You are extremely lucky to have a Mady to love in your lifetime. Just not my Mady. Back off.

Typical Teen 1: Oh M Goshers, look at that super hot girl over there. I wish I was friends with her.
Typical Teen 2: Oh M Double Goshers, that's Mady. She's so pretty. I wish I could just be her so I could be near her beauty.
Typical Teen 3: I don't even know why I'm here. I was added for the bit but I feel like it's gone on too long.

by SheeposaurusRex January 23, 2018

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The girl i love, she is the most amazing girl in the world love you Madi <3

Jake loves Madi

by Hylianloachpoacher May 26, 2012

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


One of the nicest people you will ever meet. Nice to everyone, beautiful smile, nice boobs, good at surfing, and a great friend.

Woah, she's so lucky to have a Madi as a best friend!

by Andi Flops January 10, 2010

468πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž


I, think that madi is one to Love and to be loved. Overall she is Very outgoing and she can rock your world. she Even looks great on average clothing or an uniform. Her personal is great with a great laugh. Everything about her Rocks.

New guy:β€œWho’s that blonde?”

Me:”you must be new, that’s Madi, she’s the best girl in town”

by Carter Slaton February 26, 2018

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž