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Manav and Riya

The most no best couple ever

Manav and Riya look SOOOOOOOOO good together!

by Manavlolol April 28, 2022

Manav Jhaveri

Lukha and completely vela people typing their name to find what it means when it makes no difference in their lives.

I have no work, so Manav Jhaveri.

by Manav Jhaveri November 23, 2021

manav ranu

manav ranu are people who are really fast runners and often get shitkicked by people

wow that guys running really fast hes a manav ranu

by fullsoccer95 June 16, 2022

Manav Aditya Singh

Manav Aditya Singh is a man whose brain is faster and smarter than Albert Einstien himself. His iq is so high you may even call it out of this world, even though he looks like a sloth.

That person over there is a Manav Aditya Singh

by Kavinduman March 28, 2024