invented by american believe it! It means the great guy name Norman Zhen has accomplished wearing underwear running down the streets when it snows DoOoOoo YouuUU WananT to BuIld A SnnnOwmaAn
A ManDate of haven appeared downtown lets go watch!
“Mandate, always think of two men on a date”
-Darryl Philbin 2013
Some bu!!sh!t that government claims is a law when it makes no sense in bettering the country or state
I can no longer manufacture nuclear warheads due to the new mandates
When the government requires you to do something against your will through a court order but secretly two men from the government are going to dinner together
Peter: Hey man you know the government have mandated that?
Moses: Mandated what?
Peter: You know the thing.
Moses: Two government men are dating each other?
Peter: Yes.
The act of anyone going on a date with a man.
I was so bored one night that I asked the first guy I saw at a bar to go on a mandate even though we were the same sex.
Redneck slang (date with a man)
Mama, I'd love to eat dinner witcha all tonight, but my mandate's a-comin' to pick me up.
Some bullshit the government tries to tell you to do that’s not a law.
Did you guys hear about the new Covid vaccine mandate?