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Brave, tough, extreme pride, cocky because they EARNED it, your best friend, your worst enemy, savages on the battlefield and in the bed, dedicated, rowdy, smart, trained hard: mind & body, unlike other branches- honors mc traditions, such as the usmc birthday. If you find a good one, he'll be the best damn husband a man could ever be. The good ones are incredible boyfriends, husbands, and dads. They work hard & play hard. *wink* :D Their uniforms are the sharpest, & they fill them out well.

They save money on shampoo because of high & tights!

Earned the name "teufel-hunden" aka Devil Dogs because of their attack against the Germans in 1918. They still live up to their nickname today.

Semper Fidelis: Always Faithful.

They have their own Hymn, Flag, and plenty of nicknames. Army= soldiers. Navy= sailors. Air Force= ?. Marines= Devil Dog, Leatherneck, Jarhead, President's Own, Gyrene, America/ The World's 911 force, uncle sam's misguided children


enough said :)

Me: "Yeah my husband's a Marine"

Friend thinking: *... Lucky bitch.*
Friend: "So... does he have friends?"

by _marinewife August 16, 2009

472πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž


a man or woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or her brave deeds and noble qualities. Born to fight, trained to kill, ready to die but never will. Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. "Jay" R. Stark, USN; 10 November

The people of creed and class,
Of every country and clime
Have paid their respects to the Stars and Stripes
At one or another time;
At times they raise trouble among themselves,
And some one must intervene
Then the best man to send, so the President says
Is a United States Marine.
β€”Pvt C. Hundertmark, β€œRecruiter’s Bulletin,” April 1915

by LCplV2002 March 29, 2010

65πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A girl that is the most beautiful girl ever. She is defined as one with curly hair, and incredibly talented academically and musically. It is very easy to fall in love with her, beware. She is characterized as funny, smart, and beautiful. So far there is only one known in existence, and always will. Do not let her get on your bad side; it will not end well, based on observations. Studies show that she is able to blend into crowds easily to those who do not know her but stick out very much for those who like her.

Friend1: Woah! She sticks out in crowds. It's too easy to see her.
Friend2: Well, that must be a Marin. I can't see her too well. Eye doctor?

by anasplatyrhynchos March 20, 2013

167πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


The best branch of the US Military. They live and fight like soldiers and airmen, but they talk like sailors.

Soldiers: We fight on land

Airmen: We attack from above

Sailors: We fight on Sea

Marines: We do everything the other guys do. We just do it better.

by BoazN November 15, 2006

318πŸ‘ 163πŸ‘Ž


another part of americas great military. The mens department of the navy. Responisible for giving americans the right to free speech and freedom.

Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem.
- Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985

by jlkgfowdil March 1, 2007

295πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž


A Person trained for 13 weeks to be better than anyone believed they could. A Person with the Courage, Honor, and Commitment of 10 people. A Person who is Always Faithful to thier country. A person trained with the jobs of 4 average soilders. A Person willing to give thier life for liberty. A Person who can salute the American flag after haveing both legs blown off for it. But most important a person able to kill anyone and anything who stands against them. A Person who no longer can be called a person but rather a Leather-Neck, a TWC (Terrorist Welcomeing Commitee), or Devil-Dog.

Army:"One Marine just took out 27 insurgents by himself after loseing both legs and 3 fingers!"
Navy:"Your pretty cute for someone who spends so much time on land ;)"
AirForce:"Anybody wanna ride outta here?"

by Unorganized Shit Mass Confusion October 12, 2007

984πŸ‘ 555πŸ‘Ž


A branch of the US Armed Forces. Marines go through approximately three months of intense training, peaking at the Crucible, in which the recruits must work together as a team throughout a fifty-four hour operation with minimal rest. The Crucible tests all of the knowledge gained throughout training, and is truly the final test for a recruit. Marines are trained to work in smaller groups with less modern weaponry, however this requires them to be more tactical than the Army. Contrary to popular belief, Marines and the Army are just as important as each other, as are the Air Force and Navy. Whichever a person joins depends on their preference.

The Marines are the first into a battle ground, the Army joins to help the advance, greatly. The Navy secures the shores and fires artillery salvos, and the Air Force provides much needed fire support on high-risk operations. Combined, the force of the US Military surpasses most foes it will encounter. (Exceptions include the Vietcong and Russians, as the Russians never truly engaged US Forces, and the US removed itself from Vietnam.

Please people, stop making biased decisions. The US is awesome, as is everybody else.

by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN July 28, 2009

90πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž