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Mary Sue

The female protagonist of a story.

(Archaic) A female character, usually an authorial self-insert in a fan fiction, that is annoyingly perfect. Often unique in some implausible way, any problems they face are typically intended to make them seem tragic or emotionally deep, rather than complex or flawed.

"I can't believe you like that, the main character is such a mary sue."

by monkmunk April 11, 2015

158๐Ÿ‘ 1966๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mary Sue

A character too perfect for their setting. Most often, this character is talented and attractive, and anyone who doesn't adore them is portrayed as mean, stupid, or evil. It's common for them to be the smartest, even if this requires everyone else to act stupider than they should. Out of place but awesome names are also frequent occurrences. They lead charmed lives, and any conflict or drama they are met with will be either overdone to the point of headache induction, or easily brushed aside.

While not always the case, Mary Sues are more often written by someone who is just starting out, either by someone who wrote their own personal power fantasy and expects everyone else to applaud them for it, or by someone using shortcuts to try and make their character impressive to others.

These characters are considered a mark of poor writing because they give too much favoritism to the character in question, and it comes off to readers as the author trying to artificially make their character the best around through shortcuts rather than well crafted development. Their perfectness also tends to prevent the stories they're in from developing suspense, making not only the character but the entire work they're in boring.

While the term Mary Sue, along with the male version Gary Stu, has been applied to both fan characters and canon characters in published works, it is much more common to see used on fan characters. Particularly those in fan fiction, which are most often female.

So this girl's name is Crystal Roseblade, she grew up in the same orphanage as the protagonist and was a childhood friend of his, but he forgot about her, and now she's come back out of nowhere as a huge pop idol who's secretly the world's greatest demon slayer? Do you think you might be writing a Mary Sue?

by ring of fates May 21, 2014

183๐Ÿ‘ 2377๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mary Sue

A Mary Sue or Gary Stu (male form) is often either a perfect or almost perfect character. They often appear in fan fictions and are sometimes based on the author themselves.

If the Mary Sue or Gary Stu is based on the author, they normally have qualities that the author wishes they had.
For example, they wish to be more popular or better looking.

When a Mary Sue or Gary Stu is written into a fan fiction, it will often cause canon (original) characters to become OOC (out of character). They often have terrible, grief-filled pasts and 'need' a certain canon character to understand them or they have a past that is the exact same or very similar to a canon character's.

Mary Sues and Gary Stus are mostly found in new writers or written in fan fictions by more exprerienced writers for fun.

They also tend to have either very common or extremely strange and exotic names or, if they are made for fun, will sometimes have the name Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

Mary Sue had a horribly tragic past.
When she was only a baby, her parents had been murdered by Voldemort because they had been trying to protect her.

However, when Voldemort tried to kill her it backfired and left her with only a scar.

by ManamixChan December 29, 2010

199๐Ÿ‘ 2980๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mary Sue

A character/OC that is invincible, almost god like, to an extent that is extremely unlogical ans annoying

"He was such a Mary Sue when he got stabbed in the heart but pretended it was nothing and walked away"

by rednaxela July 18, 2016

58๐Ÿ‘ 965๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mary Sue

There are many OCs that are terrible, the most common are the Mary Sue, the Victim, the Not-OC and the Demon.

The Mary Sue is an absolutely perfect OC. They usually have bad pasts, never get angry, be skilled in every skill, have magical powers, be over powered, and never loses. They usually have the rarest abilities and are soooo unique. (Not at all).

The Victim is an attention whore OC. Someone with usually a cheesy 'cruel' and sad back story. They probably had something awful happen to them, so bad it affected them forever.

The Not-OC is someone who completely clones either another OC or what the OC is parodying.

The Demon is one of the worst. Terrible past, ruler of other dimension or some crap, having powers that can destroy the whole world, being totally evil, having the colors black and red be everything about them. They never lose ever. Seems bad? They are!

* Mary Sue - Name: Cyrus/Gender: Female/Powers: All of them/Appearance: Huge, pretty/Personality: Calm, Smart, Strong, Powerful, Friendly/Backstory: Parents died, left out on road to die, picked up by abusive man, beaten every day, escaped, became ultra goddess
* The Victim - Name: Angel/Gender: Female or Male/Powers: Ability to fly and kill self instantly/Appearance: Blue eyes, purple hair, short/Personality: Sad, scared, afraid, violated, worried/Backstory: Parents killed, killers raped her, killers almost killed her, she escaped, didn't bother go to hospital, left in forest, animals ate her up, she survived, she lives today on the street
* Not-OC (MLP Example) - Name: Rainbow Slash/Gender: Female/Powers: Flying, sonic rainboom/Appearance: Rainbow hair and tail, blue fur/Personality: Arrogant, nice, loyal/Backstory: Caused first Sonic Rainboom (By the way this is completely Rainbow's personality in the show if you didn't know)
* The Demon - Name: Snapthrout/Gender: Male/Powers: Summons demons, shadow powers, fire breathing, flying/Appearance: Red eyes, black hair, battle markings, scars, red and black wings/Personality: Totally evil, hates everyone/Back Story: Killed in real world, became demon king)

by TheMakerOfWords December 25, 2014

113๐Ÿ‘ 2008๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mary sue

A Mary Sue is a term used to describe a original charecter from a story, anime, game, etc. that is unoriginal, stupid, or fucked over in multiple ways. Some things that could get you oc called a Mary Sue: Stupidly dark backstory, overpowered powers (Immortal, Insta kill, etc.), a twenty inch dick, and more.

Person 1: My oc's least favourite thing is her terrible back flashes.


by Dyslexic_Apple September 6, 2016

51๐Ÿ‘ 908๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female character that is annoying because she is too perfect.
Usually used in RPGs and stories

(RPG) Stop being a Mary-Sue... you have like 102384028 powers already O.o

by ~Shinku~ December 31, 2010

155๐Ÿ‘ 3084๐Ÿ‘Ž