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crack for white people

Billy Jim lives in a trailer and smokes meth

by tatomuck1 October 25, 2008

182๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


the stupidest shit EVER

-GUY #1 - Im gonna go smoke some tweak!(aka meth)
-GUY #2 - Your gay.

by COOLMOTHAFUCKA June 13, 2007

2164๐Ÿ‘ 1138๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stupid drug made used and made by white trash that's made out of cold medicine and other easily obtained chemicals.

After stealing a bunch of cold medicine from Target, the cops followed him back to his meth lab.

by jingjong February 17, 2005

1686๐Ÿ‘ 954๐Ÿ‘Ž


The lonely situation you find yourself in, after using methamphetamine. Typically, broke, with no job, falling apart, stuttering, wondering why you pulled into this parking lot "What the hell was I doing just now?" when all your "new best friends" have left you for better and you feel like it's the end of the world.

"Look at the big meth I made this time."

by sindazed July 27, 2005

624๐Ÿ‘ 361๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The reason why it is so hard to get decent over the counter meds for your freaking hayfever. 2. Crack for rural and suburban white people.

1. Drug companies took pseudoephedrine out of their cold and allergy remedies because of the abuse of the drug. Common cold meds were being cooked down to extract pseudoephedrine, the backbone of crystal meth. Pseudoephedrine is now a semi-controlled substance sold behind the counter at the pharmacy which must be signed for by the purchaser and formally documented by the seller.
2. Crystal meth is doing for the suburbs and the trailer parks what crack did for the inner city: screw up lives, lower property values, exponentially increase criminal activity, and threaten future stability. The difference between crack and crystal meth is that the "powers that be" don't live in the inner city, they live in the suburbs, so they don't want the police "watching this group of people develop their manufacturing and distribution activities for the last five years", they raise hell until something gets done about it. Being that they are the "powers that be", something actually gets done.

by vortex670 May 11, 2007

296๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


Will fuck up ones life and their love ones; HIGHLY addictive, probably the most addictive drug; not only popular with so called "white trash" but very big in the Filipino community all across USA. (esp. cali, vegas, NY & JERSEY). Most users/dealers/runners and THE SOURCE know or have "heard" of one another.

They say, "don't knock it, until you TRY it" or "Try anything once", etc. etc. CRYSTAL METH does NOT apply to these sayings! DO NOT TRY IT!

In Tagalog(filipino languange)-

filipino addict # 1: meron ba tayo jan..?!
filipino addict # 2: tigil na yan man!
filipino addict # 1: hmm.. tapwe na ko..
filipino addict # 2: ah, sige na nga. piso na!

and they call their dealer to cop that meth. Sorry, no translation.

by anonymous addict November 14, 2007

382๐Ÿ‘ 246๐Ÿ‘Ž


A drug for fuckups.. Invented by some japenese guy approx. 80 years ago.. The hippie version is speed...

When a guy uses Crystal Meth he often wants to cut up his dick, put some ketchup on, and eat it...

by Bengt Hope August 15, 2006

913๐Ÿ‘ 691๐Ÿ‘Ž