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One of the 50 state of the United States. Known for its horrible roads and bipolar weather systems. You'll need some extra car and maybe even life insurance.

I lived in Michigan once... You could go swimming in the potholes...

by RoboticNerd March 22, 2017

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A lame state shaped like a mitten, surrounded by water, where not even the people that already live there want to live. Characterized by having record amounts of potholes, bipolar weather, contianing 2 of the top dangerous cities in America, no jobs, and a governor covered in moles.

Guy 1: I'm from Michigan.
Guy 2: Oh..that sucks.

by Michigander. May 25, 2009

64πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


A nightmare that never ends.
Horrible weather,lack of jobs,government is broke,roads suck.
Take this from someone who lived there for over 10 years. I grew up there and the job market is awful. Especially for those who want to go into the entertainment Business.
The weather is bipolar. The price of rent is awful. You have to live here long enough to complain.

When its snowing in may. You know your in michigan.

by holmeschapel June 12, 2015

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The most bipolar state in the us

Michigan has bipolar weather

by weather.com April 10, 2019


Michigan is a state where it can be 30Β° one day and 75Β° the next. It also is home to one of the most devoted people. They will legit fight anyone who says that the college they support is not better. It also is a beautiful place, except for the big cities. Like Detroit.

Michigan is surrounded by 4 lakes. The other one that doesn’t surround it is weird.

by SWEETHOMEALABAMA69 May 15, 2022


A state with constant weather changes, like you never knew could exist. it can be warm like summer one day, and freezing cold the next. There is hardly anything to do in this state unless you live in the Upper Peninsula (abbreviated to become U.P., not to be confused with the famous disney movie up. They are called yoopers, not U.P.ers.) and you are an adventurous person willing to camp outside and/or snowboard constantly for entertainment.

Michigan person: Oh my god, there's nothing fun to do in Michigan

Non Michigan person: Why don't you go snowboarding?

Michigan person: Nah, I've been doing that all my life.

by michiganisboring December 13, 2010

12πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A huge upset. Comes from the infamous loss of Michigan to Appalachian State.

Oregon State pulled a Michigan when they got trounced by Cincinatti

by John Jacobjingleheimerschmidth September 8, 2007

56πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž