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Sunshine Mist

Pissing through a window air conditioning unit. The effects after are known as "sunshine Mist". Best when tried in early morning hours.

I pissed through old Ms. Williams unit as she lit a cigarette. Sunshine Mist accomplished.

by Viva Italia April 19, 2007

Shit Mist

That wet air that hits your ass when you flush the toilet while still sitting on it.

"Man I just took a dump. That shit mist felt weird as fuck."

by ShoddyVariety November 3, 2019

Red Mist

A feeling of extreme competitiveness or anger that temporarily clouds one's judgment.

When that guy cut me off, the red mist washed over and all I could think about was catching him.

Put a bunch of buddies on fast bikes and just watch the red mist rise...

by gpTT January 11, 2004

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Oregon mist

A very fine mist commonly experienced in Oregon. It's not rain or mist. it's light 100% humidity.

I looked outside and the streets were wet but it didn't look like it was raining. I went for a walk and now I'm wet, must me the Oregon mist.

by bnbmike August 9, 2008

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Growler mist

The fine spray from a woman's Growler Vagina Cunt Pussy Twat Gash when using the toilet. As the piss exits the grower at speed and under pressure the stream can hit the flaps causing a fine mist to form and settle on the toilet seat.

Oh for fucks sake I had to use a public toilet and some filthy old hag left her growler mist all over the toilet seat!

Mum I have told you time and time again not to spray and walk away, clean up your growler mist!!

by fynnez 'n' fonz April 1, 2016

thunder mist

The act of blowing your entire load all over someone with your thumb over the tip, resembling what happens when you put your thumb over a hose.

John Brown received the thunder mist from five guys.

by Bag o cats February 25, 2014

jizz mist

A fine particulate ejaculation of semen, excreted from a penis. Usually occurring after multiple ejaculations where the semen has lost it's viscosity.

After stroking my cock vigorously for several seconds, I covered her body with my jizz mist, which is all I could muster after a long day of marathon sex.

by Dr. Drizzle November 3, 2015