A crazy psychopath who’s animal spirit is a chihuahua.
Hey mythic mutations gone feral again. Who did she beat at chess?
A mutated mushroom is what an ugly dick looks like, the head is the mushroom and the shaft is the root
“Daniel’s dick looks like a mutated mushroom!!”
When your skin starts bubbling, bumps explode on your face and your head gets longer.
OMG! Johnny is having a Myles Mutations, HUS SKIN IS BUBBLING UP!!!
Flying little humans that will bite you, kill and set the village on fire. Often mistaken for pollen.
"Dude, I think something just bit me"
"Well what's that on your arm?"
"Oh, it's pollen!"
"That's not pollen... that's a mutated pollen!"
"OUCH! It bit me again!!" ~dies~
~massive swarm of fluffy death rolls into town. Town set on fire~