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A name for an idiot, but a jokey name

Kim: How do you turn the tv on?
Sarah: like this, you nincompoop

by Depression_is_in_session May 9, 2018

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existential nincompoop

A technical philosophical term coined by a great philosophy professor
1) One that is completely and utterly ignorant to their existential worth.

2) A person that does not allow for existential growth due to their lack of understanding of either themselves or of the necessity

Maxwell is such a nihilist, he doesn't get out of bed all day, he doesn't contribute to society in any way. He is SUCH an existential nincompoop.

by BanthamsNightofFaithe October 8, 2018

Absolutely moronic, idiotic, stupid nincompoop halfwit dumbass

An anti-vaxxer or flat-earther, or someone who refuses to wear a mask in 2021.

That absolutely moronic, idiotic, stupid nincompoop halfwit dumbass! Why in the f*** is he not following common sense?!!

by LittleSkinnyMidget March 27, 2021

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The act of being a nincompoop, silly

Everyone loved how silly I was. Happy to show them my nincompoopness

by Big D/nincompoop June 20, 2021

udder nincompoop

What da Duke of Rudling would have contemptuously called Hynes if he'd tried to milk cows instead of care for dogs.

If you never take ta time or effort to learn da special hand-movements necessary to "get da moo-juice from Bossy", you'll look like an udder nincompoop!

by QuacksO October 28, 2023


A word you meant to say when you accidentally drop the hard R


by necoh July 6, 2024


a shitty rich person or a shitty income

that brit is a real nincompoop!

by ExpierdMilk March 14, 2023