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Post Head Trauma Syndrome

When you can't remember anything recent from the last 2 hours, and not aware about important events. This is caused from some severe brain injury.

Girl: I can't believe you cheated on me with a hoe.

Guy: Oh my gosh, how do you remember that?!

Girl: Jeez! It's not like i have Post Head Trauma Syndrome!!

by rossano January 18, 2008

No head syndrome

When one of the bois is acting off due to a deficiency in oral sex

Poor Wyatt has no head syndrome, he hasn’t had any in years

by Binger864 May 25, 2022

No head syndrome

When one of the bois is lacking towards one another due to a deficiency of head

Wyatt has no head syndrome, he hasn’t head any in years.

by Binger864 May 25, 2022

Bag Head Syndrome

When your head swells from drinking paper-bagged gas station liquor and it inflates like a balloon, while the rest of your body sheds all of its remaining muscle and you look like a stick figure otherwise. Bag head syndrome is PERMANENT, even when you stop drinking and your head shrinks back to normal, you still have a bunch of loose skin hanging from your noodle because it's permanently stretched out. You can visit a bag head removal specialist, but it's really expensive and no health insurance plan will cover the cost. You can also try mewing.

Allen Iverson's head so fat because of bag head syndrome, from all that liquor he be drinking.

by Obama Phone April 28, 2023