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Gay but understandable

When you can understand the scenario or situation and/or is a logical point in an argument that makes sense, but still sucks or hurts.

Bro 1: Bro did you hear Justin got with your ex?
Bro 2: He did? What an asshole.
Bro 1: Yeah but can you blame him? She's smoking hot dude.
Bro 2: Ugghhhhh... You kinda right.... Gay but understandable

by PineK June 6, 2018

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I understand

You dont have a clue what thier going on about

"my cars been stolen and I don't know what to do"
"I understand"

by Homer_d.b February 20, 2008

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Chamber of Understanding

Ultra cool pad where Professor Farnsworth understands what is to be understood.

Farnsworth: I'll be in the Chamber of Understanding.

*cue Saturday Night Fever music and funky Disco light*

by dburl December 26, 2011

I understand that.

Phrase used by persons who aren't really listening to you but wish to appear to be doing so. Usually used when on the telephone so neither of you is making eye contact.

You are telling a story and your friend, who hasn't responded the entire time, suddenly chimes in with "I understand that."

by your_nu February 3, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

eye understand

the all-seeing i
...needs u to stand under it

"we're sorry, sir, your account has insufficient balance"
"eye understand"

by YuniQ9 January 21, 2014

Totally Understand

The short version of "Dude I totally understand, I mean I would do the same thing if I was a pussy"
You use it when someone is being a little bitch and won't do anything fun.

Little Bitch: "No, i couldn't ask her out"
Other Guy: "That's alright I Totally Understand"

by barlow March 14, 2006

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E Understanding

An Epiphany, or sudden realization induced from ingestion of the drug.

Pop a cap, you'll understand.
Example should include the word "E Understanding"

by E-manuel February 7, 2011