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Nostalgia Nut

When you're jerking off to porn and realize you've seen the video before leading to you remembering the time you blew your load to it.


"What's wrong Neo?"

"I think I jerked it to this porno when I was younger."

"You remember jacking off to it?"

"Yea...what a nostalgia nut."

"Sick dude, let's blow each other again."

by ThisIsMatthewCastro June 22, 2018

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nostalgia attack

Having a strong urge to go back to the past or wanting to do something suddenly that reminds you of your past.

I had a nostalgia attack the other day.

by celebritystatus November 20, 2016

Nostalgia Critic

The Nostalgia Critic is a well known comedian that has grown widely throughout Youtube, and the internet alone. With his act of reviews involving many Retro and present content of media, Such as movies and Gaming. As well as other videos relating to other relation. With 5 Second Videos & ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com, He will continue to become known for his skills after time.

I went on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com to see Some of The Nostalgia Critic's Videos!

Hi I'm The Nostalgia Critic, I Remember It So You Don't Have To!

by SalThps July 11, 2008

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nostalgia bomb

a sudden reminder of favorite childhood memories that creates an insatiable need to relieve parts of one's childhood.

The recent trailers for the transformers movie hit me with a serious nostalgia bomb. Now I can't stop downloading episodes of the cartoon show.

by Dan Stuart April 9, 2007

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Nostalgia Bomb

When good childhood memories come flowin' in like niagra falls and it feels like christmas all over again.

"Whenever I replay mario 3, It's like a nostalgia bomb just blew up in my brain"

by Badass100101 November 17, 2016

nostalgia trip

When something happens that gives you a "flashback to childhood

You smell perfume tht reminds you of the kind your mom wore when you were little and it gives you a nostalgia trip.

by Light Painter August 11, 2011

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Nostalgia Bias

When your nostalgia makes you act stupid. Usually hate whatever is new and prefer the old version just because of nostalgia.

Person 1: "Dude, the original GTA was the bomb. GTA V sucks"
Person 2: "You're nostalgia biased"

Person 1: "Omg, Dragon Ball Z was so much better than Super!"
Person 2: "Reason?"
Person 1: "Because I watched it when I was a kid! Plus it's just better"
Person 2: "Nostalgia Bias"

by VYDEOS May 18, 2021