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When your favorite live TV show gets overrun by a game (of any sport) that's running long. Especially frustrating for non-sports fans trying to watch comedy.

Oh man! freakin hockey game sported Saturday Night Live again.

by relativ March 19, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


How to fight or engage in war without actually doing so. a worthless, needless activity

"Let's fight!"
"We can't"
"Hmmm..... then let's play some sports!"

by Cosmoknight Azrael April 8, 2013

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the biggest wastes of time and contributors to the the downfall of the world

by Anonymous July 20, 2003

198๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anything where physical or mental power is exerted

Basketball is a sport

Inter-Scholastic Sports: Scholastic Bowl etc.

by Louis the Second October 19, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A competitive athletic event. 2. An excuse for extremely moronic men who consider themselves to be alpha males to make gorilla's look sophisticated in comparison. 3. Something that parents use to destroy a child's self esteem by denying their desire to develop their own talents. 4. I am and always have been an athlete so spare me your dime-store divination. 5. An agreed upon activity whereby a certain group of men can convince themselves that they are doing something that others are too afraid to do, when in reality those others in question are stealing their wives from under their cheap yellowing sneakers.

It's a good thing we're playing sports, Biff, otherwise given 5 minutes everybody would figure out that I can't read or write my own name.

"Dad! Dad! Dad! The teacher told me that my reseach paper was worthy of graduate students and she's going to send me to the best university in the galaxy! And she's going to pay for it!!"..."Sorry son, you missed baseball practice. If you don't have time for baseball practice how can you be a big ole high faluttin fancy pants writer man?"

"Hey Jim! Let's go down to the sports bar where us and the rest'a the guys can clog our hearts with hot wings and ranch dresing, getting even more morbidly obese while vicariously living out our failed dreams through people who would spit on us given the chance, all the while destroying what tiny amounts of braincells we have left with Pabst Blue Ribbon!"

by Zack June 15, 2004

65๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


To all the people who claim sports are for dumbfucks, burger-flippers, fuckwads, etc.:
A person's hobbies have nothing to do with their IQ or anything else. Google AMOBI OKOYE -- damn smart and PLAYS IN THE NFL. I played football and baseball as a child, was a talented athlete, and was placed in advanced classes beginning in 3rd grade. So before putting down ALL athletes, think a little bit about what you're saying. I could probably say people who hate sports all have black horn-rimmed glasses, are fatfucks, and sit in front of the TV watching the Simpsons all day, but that wouldn't necessarily be true for the entirety of people who dislike sports. IF YOU STEREOTYPE ATHLETES, YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Don't hate on people who take part in sports because
everyone is an individual person.

by sumo wrestler murderer airplane February 2, 2008

149๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sexual encounter that is merely for fun or to increase physical stamina

Hey Listen, lets just go home to my place and sport for a while.

I hate running for soccer, you wanna come over and we can just sport.

by Li Dong Bai April 6, 2006

40๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž