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ted nugent

Oh lighten up. Ted Nugent is a guitar master who happens to run a militia, that's all.

You can't grill it 'till you kill it.

by Shawn E. April 22, 2003

779๐Ÿ‘ 6894๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ted Nugent

A guitar God who never did drugs or alcohol, although he got more ass than a toilet seat. He has a different point of view than most rock musicians, as he is entitled to. His songs own, and anybody who criticizes him obviously hasn't heard much of his work

Ted Nugent rebels against the rock mainstream

by Dillon Farnum June 22, 2005

765๐Ÿ‘ 6947๐Ÿ‘Ž

ted nugent

A talented, patriotic, and quite funny rock guitarist. Should run for President of the US.

by Da Dude October 18, 2003

732๐Ÿ‘ 6955๐Ÿ‘Ž

ted nugent

A guitar god from the late 60's/70's, not especially popular with today's kids but easily owns Hendrix/Clapton/Page when it comes to playing skill. He still plays live shows and kicks ass at ~50 years old.

"What does it take to play guitar with your teeth? It takes a complete idiot." - nugent in an interview

by toast June 29, 2004

607๐Ÿ‘ 6896๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ted Nugent

Used in place of the word awesome.

"This burger is fucking Ted Nugent!"

Dealer-"You have Blackjack" Player- "Ted Nugent!!"

by Region Rat April 30, 2010

453๐Ÿ‘ 6703๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ted Nugent frontrow loincloth teabag

something considered to be a bad experience in the vein of having Ted Nugent's nutsack too close to your face during a concert. not to be confused with the Ted Nugent spandex-trapped banana (dressed to the left).

thanks a bunch for making me call the Ted Nugent frontrow loincloth teabag India customer service line. The dude could not even speak English!

by rhinozrus February 19, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jason Nugent

This guys loyalty is like he's in the Mob. He wants to be friends with everyone, has confidence like a Rodeo Bull. Women are drawn to him. Men are jealous and envious. If you are lucky enough to meet him, be friends or love him and don't let him go.

I wish Jason Nugent would call me, he is so much fun.

by AndrewSh June 29, 2024