Source Code

Kentucky Overnighter

When Alex has way too much to drink. Ends up in the arms of the wrong guy.

Alex: Another Kentucky overnighter.

by TrigThingWotever February 5, 2015


Serbian prank played amongst men where one will take a dump in toilet at night and not flush leaving their pals a surprise over night to find in morning.

Andreja left a massive overnighter in sergy's toilet at his party stunk up the whole upstairs.

by Big Serb August 16, 2017

Overnight Leader

the best YouTuber out there

person 1: Hey jimmothy heard of the overnight leader yet?
person 2: yeah I have he is the best YouTuber ever

by OvernightLeader September 20, 2020

no parking overnight

When a person is considered too frumpish to stay the night, such a sign should be erected.

No parking overnight.

by Your freindly local heretic March 24, 2004